27 Types of Reasoning

types of reasoning, explained below

Reasoning is a cognitive process that involves the construction of logical justifications for actions or decisions.

It’s heavily used in problem-solving and decision-making scenarios, utilising one’s intellectual capabilities to achieve a particular objective.

Understanding and applying reasoning not only guides personal and professional ambitions but also promotes critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, which are crucial for any field.

Types of Reasoning

1. Deductive Reasoning

Deductive reasoning involves taking a generally true statement and applying it to a specific instance.

This type of thinking could be likened to solving a puzzle. We begin with the bigger picture, which is the general fact, and piece it together, referring to specific details, to draw a conclusion.

But remember, the correctness of the conclusion directly relies on the truth of the starting general fact. A flawed or false generality can lead us to incorrect conclusions.

Deductive Reasoning Example: All mammals have lungs. Therefore, your pet dog, being a mammal, possesses lungs.

2. Inductive Reasoning

Inductive reasoning starts with specific observations or facts and uses them to form a generalized conclusion.

Imagine you’re a detective collecting clues. Each clue represents a specific observation. Accumulate enough consistent clues, and you can inductively reason a general conclusion about the case.

While this reasoning is useful for creating theories, bear in mind that generalizations are not guaranteed to be true in all instances. The claim is contingent on the collected facts, and may require modification if new evidence emerges.

Inductive Reasoning Example: You notice that each time you eat a certain fruit, you experience an upset stomach. Based on these observations, you generalize that this particular fruit is likely causing your stomach upset.

3. Abductive Reasoning

Abductive reasoning refers to a process of creating a probable explanation or hypothesis for a certain observation or set of facts.

This type of reasoning is like guessing. When you observe certain clues or facts, you create the most plausible explanation for them. Yet, it’s not guaranteed that your guess is the only one or the correct one. There may be multiple feasible explanations.

Always be aware, abductive reasoning is grounded in likelihood, not certainty. It offers a way to move from observations to hypotheses, thus, it is a crucial piece of scientific exploration.

Abductive Reasoning Example: You see wet pavement outside. The most plausible explanation might be that it just rained.

4. Analogical Reasoning

Analogical reasoning involves drawing a comparison between two similar situations to make a point or draw a conclusion.

Think of it like borrowing wisdom. By identifying parallels between new and familiar situations, you apply known information to potentially unfamiliar scenarios.

Recognize though, the strength of analogical reasoning rests on the level of similarity. Be careful not to oversimplify or ignore significant differences between the compared instances.

Analogical Reasoning Example: You want to explain the function of a cell in a human body. You could use an analogy of a factory where different parts have specific jobs, like parts of a cell.

5. Causal Reasoning

Causal reasoning implies identifying relationships between cause and effect.

Imagine a domino effect, where one event sets off a chain reaction. A cause-and-effect relation is established and reasoning happens along this line. Identifying the cause can help predict future events or explain past ones.

Yet, bear in mind that correlation doesn’t imply causation. It’s crucial to verify a cause-and-effect relationship through replicated experiments instead of relying on mere observation.

Causal Reasoning Example: Ms. Thompson noticed that whenever her dog is given a particular brand of dog food, it gets an upset stomach. Therefore, Ms. Thompson concludes that this particular dog food is not suited for her dog.

6. Critical Reasoning

Critical reasoning refers to the ability to analyze, evaluate, and form a judgment on an argument or a claim.

It’s much like being a judge in a courtroom. You meticulously examine the evidence and arguments provided to reach a verdict. Bias and preconceptions are checked at the door.

However, you must keep in mind that critical reasoning requires an open mind and willingness to entertain various viewpoints, even those that differ from your own.

Critical Reasoning Example: As an investor, you come across a new startup claiming to be the ‘next big thing’. Instead of taking their word, you critically evaluate their business plan, team, and market potential before deciding whether to invest.

7. Diagnostical Reasoning

Diagnostical reasoning involves identifying the root cause of an issue by analyzing the symptoms or evidence at hand.

Consider it as detective work, where a problem presents you with ‘clues’ or symptoms. Your job is to piece these clues together and identify the underlying issue causing them.

But remember, sometimes symptoms can be misleading, and the issues may not always be what they seem at first glance. You need investigative skills and logical thinking to draw accurate conclusions.

Diagnostical Reasoning Example: Your car isn’t starting. You notice the lights in the car aren’t coming on either. So, you reason the car’s battery might be the problem.

8. Moral Reasoning

Moral reasoning is the process of determining right from wrong in a given situation.

You could say it’s like being a philosopher or a wise person, making judgments based not on factual knowledge or evidence, but on ethical, moral principles.

Just keep in mind, people’s moral judgments can differ greatly, depending on their individual ethical compass, values, and societal norms.

Moral Reasoning Example: You find a wallet on the street. It contains money and an ID card. You reason that the ethical thing to do would be to return the wallet to its owner, even though you could easily keep the money.

9. Syllogistic Reasoning

Syllogistic reasoning is a formal method of reasoning that uses deductive logic to draw conclusions from two or more propositions that are assumed to be true.

Think of it like solving a mathematical equation. You have all the component parts (propositions), and by logically connecting them, you should be able to come to a definitive conclusion.

Keep in mind though, like in math, if any of the starting propositions are incorrect, the conclusion derived from them will also be incorrect.

Syllogistic Reasoning Example: All birds can fly. A penguin is a bird. Therefore, one might incorrectly reason that a penguin can fly.

10. Probabilistic Reasoning

Probabilistic reasoning involves making predictions about events based on known probabilities.

This type of reasoning is like being a betting person. You have certain odds, and you make predictions about what is likely (or unlikely) to happen based on those odds.

Just remember, probability is not certainty. Even something with a low probability can still happen, and something with a high probability can fail to occur.

Probabilistic Reasoning Example: If a weather forecast says there is a 90% chance of rain, you would probably bring an umbrella when you go out, reasoning that it’s highly likely to rain.

11. Counterfactual Reasoning

Counterfactual reasoning means contemplating how different outcomes could have resulted if certain factors had been different.

Imagine using a time machine. You’re considering different “what-if” scenarios, speculating on alternative realities had variables changed.

However, remember, while this type of reasoning can be used for learning from past mistakes, it is hypothetical and deals with situations that don’t exist.

Example of Counterfactual Reasoning: If the driver had not been distracted by the phone, the car accident might not have occurred.

12. Intuitive Reasoning

Intuitive reasoning refers to drawing a conclusion or making a decision based on an instinctive feeling rather than conscious reasoning.

Think of it like having a hunch. It’s when your gut feeling guides you in decision-making, even though you may not have logical backing or evidence supporting your decision.

Keep in mind, while intuition can be highly effective in certain scenarios, it’s not always accurate, particularly in complex and unfamiliar situations.

Example of Intuitive Reasoning: Without knowing why, you might intuitively feel like a certain house is the right one to buy, despite seeing several other technically superior options.

13. Retroductive Reasoning

Retroductive reasoning is a form of inference where the best possible explanation for a specific event or occurrence is drawn.

Imagine reading a mystery novel. You are given specific events or facts, and you reason backward to construct the most likely explanation or sequence of events.

Bear in mind, this type of reason is not a guarantee of truth but is rather a tool for formulating the best hypothesis to explain observed phenomena. Your conclusion is susceptible to new evidence.

Example of Retroductive Reasoning: A doctor observes a range of disparate symptoms in a patient and works backward to diagnose the potential disease causing them.

14. Reductive Reasoning

Reductive reasoning, in contrast with deductive reasoning, simplifies broad concepts into smaller, more manageable ones.

It’s like unpacking a suitcase. You start with a broad concept and break it down into smaller, related concepts.

However, be cautious. There is a risk of oversimplification, potentially missing important complexities or nuances.

Example of Reductive Reasoning: From a broad study of global warming, you might reduce topics to individual elements such as greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and ocean temperature changes.

15. Transductive Reasoning

Transductive reasoning is drawing specific conclusions from two unrelated events that happen simultaneously.

Picture it as connecting the dots. It often happens when two events occur at the same time and a person, usually a child, concludes that one event caused the other.

However, be aware that it is often inaccurate, given the fact that correlation doesn’t equate to causation.

Example of Transductive Reasoning: A child watches you pressing a button on a remote, simultaneously the TV turns on. The child may conclude that the TV only works when you press the button.

16. Fallacious Reasoning

Fallacious reasoning is a logical fallacy that leads to invalid argumentation.

Reflect on it as faulty wiring. The circuit path may seem to connect correctly, but a hidden fault leads to an unexpected (and incorrect) output.

Take note, fallacious reasoning can be persuasive and might go undetected if not scrutinized carefully, leading to misunderstandings or misinformation.

Example of Fallacious Reasoning: Assuming that something is better simply because it’s more expensive or popular, which is known as the ‘appeal to popularity’ or ‘bandwagon’ fallacy.

17. Historical Reasoning

Historical reasoning involves using the past to understand the present and predict future circumstances.

Envision it as a time traveler’s tool. By studying historical events and their outcomes, we can better understand our present situation and anticipate possible future scenarios.

Remember, while the past can provide invaluable lessons, it doesn’t dictate the future. Circumstances change, and history isn’t always destined to repeat.

Example of Historical Reasoning: Considering how past pandemics were dealt with to devise strategies for managing a current health crisis.

18. Pragmatic Reasoning

Pragmatic reasoning is decision-making based on practicality or what is realistically workable.

Think of it as solving a problem with the resources at hand. The focus lies not in what would be the best possible solution in an ideal world, but rather on tackling challenges within the real-world constraints we face.

But always consider, strictly pragmatic reasoning might overlook long-term consequences or ethical implications for short-term practicality.

Example of Pragmatic Reasoning: A company facing a financial crunch might cut certain budgets to stay afloat in the short term, even though long-term innovation might be hampered as a result.

19. Dialectical Reasoning

Dialectical reasoning involves the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas or propositions, aiming to resolve the contradictions and establish truth.

Consider it a form of debate, where multiple viewpoints are weighed and critiqued to understand a situation in its entirety.

However, keep in mind, it requires careful understanding, recognition of nuances, and a willingness to challenge and revise one’s own perspectives.

Example of Dialectical Reasoning: In philosophy, thesis and antithesis are presented as conflicting views, and through a process of argument and counter-argument, a synthesis is attempted that resolves the conflict.

20. Empirical Reasoning

Empirical reasoning refers to conclusions drawn from observed or experimented data.

Imagine a detective using evidence. Instead of relying on theories or logic alone, data acquired through direct observation or experimentation guides this type of reasoning.

Remember, while empirical reasoning provides solid grounding for conclusions, it’s essential to interpret the data carefully and objectively.

Example of Empirical Reasoning: A scientist makes an observation that animals in colder climates tend to be larger. After conducting large-scale data collection and analysis across diverse climate zones, the scientist confirms this pattern and reasons that in colder climates, larger body size may aid in preserving heat, a concept known as Bergmann’s rule.

21. Practical Reasoning

Practical reasoning involves making decisions based on what should or ought to be done to achieve a specific goal or objective.

Think about it as deciding a path. This form of reasoning is significant when we need to act, determining the course of action that will best accomplish our goals.

Clearly, while practical reasoning guides decisions, remember to balance it with ethical considerations.

Example of Practical Reasoning: A student needs better grades to get into a selective college. Knowing this, she decides to allot more time to study each day, limit distractions, and seek out additional academic resources.

22. Formal Reasoning

Formal reasoning is a specific type of problem-solving based on rigid rules of logic.

Imagine a robot executing commands. For any given inputs, the rules dictate a definite outcome without any ambiguity.

Just remember, while formal reasoning ensures logical consistency, it could be limited and rigid in the face of complex, real-world problems.

Example of Formal Reasoning: In mathematics, if ‘A’ equals ‘B’, and ‘B’ equals ‘C’, then it is always true that ‘A’ equals ‘C’.

23. Statistical Reasoning

Statistical reasoning involves interpreting, analysing, and drawing conclusions from data sets to understand and react to phenomena.

Envision it as uncovering stories hidden in data. Numbers and figures might seem dry, but they can offer a wealth of insights about the world around us when combined with strong statistical reasoning.

However, keep in mind, statistical reasoning requires a high degree of precision and objectivity, and it’s essential to be aware of potential biases or errors in the data.

Example of Statistical Reasoning: Analysts look at the data from a marketing campaign, noticing patterns and trends. For instance, they might deduce that sale numbers increase each time a particular ad runs, allowing them to make future marketing decisions.

24. Lateral Reasoning

Lateral reasoning, also known as lateral thinking, involves approaching problems in inventive and unconventional ways.

Think of it as thinking outside the box. Instead of sticking to traditional methods, lateral reasoning values creativity and innovation to solve problems.

It’s important to remember, while it can lead to groundbreaking solutions, lateral reasoning also needs to be balanced with sound logical and pragmatic reasoning.

Example of Lateral Reasoning: An entrepreneur devises a new way to cut costs in production, not by tweaking the current process (as would be the traditional approach), but by completely reinventing it.

25. Reflective Reasoning

Reflective reasoning involves the process of meta-thinking – thinking about how and why we think a certain way.

Imagine it as running a ‘reality check’ on your process of thinking. It allows you to analyze your own understanding, beliefs, and thought processes to make more informed decisions.

Take note, reflective reasoning can be uncomfortable and challenging as it might uncover personal biases or flawed beliefs. However, it is a crucial self-improvement tool that promotes learning and personal growth.

Reflective Reasoning Example: If you’ve had an argument and reacted angrily, reflective reasoning helps you review your own thoughts and emotions during the incident, and evaluate whether your response was reasonable or if other factors unduly influenced your reaction.

26. Quantitative Reasoning

Quantitative reasoning revolves around solving problems with the help of mathematical concepts and reasoning.

Imagine it as using a toolset of numbers. This form of reasoning includes the application of basic mathematical skills, such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and statistical analysis, to interpret and evaluate numerical data.

Pay attention, though: while it’s a powerful problem-solving tool, quantitative reasoning should always be coupled with logical and critical thinking.

Example of Quantitative Reasoning: If a company wants to estimate future earnings, they might use past sales data, apply growth rates, and predict future revenue.

27. Circular Reasoning

Circular reasoning is when the premise is the same as the conclusion; the argument is repeating itself without bringing any new information.

Think of it as a car spinning its tires in the mud – not getting anywhere. While it might look like reasoning, it doesn’t advance the argument or provide any new evidence.

Remember, circular reasoning is a logical fallacy – it can appear persuasive but fails to provide meaningful input to the discussion.

Example of Circular Reasoning: Someone might say, “I’m trustworthy because I always keep my word,” but being trustworthy and keeping one’s word are the same concept, making the reasoning circular and ineffective.


Reasoning is an essential tool that humans utilize to understand, assess, and interact with the world. It equips us with the ability to make decisions, solve problems, and establish beliefs based on logical thought rather than impulse. Different types of reasoning teach us to examine the intricate web of information from multiple perspectives, handling uncertainty, contradiction, and complexity. So, cultivating diverse reasoning skills is vital to enhancing our cognitive abilities, personal growth, and for successfully navigating life’s myriad challenges.

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Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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