Psychology Glossary (A to Z)

Written and peer-reviewed by PhD-Level Academics

Accommodation and Assimilation

Definition: Accommodation and assimilation are terms from cognitive theory refer to the processes of adding and amending information in mental schema.

assimilation vs accommodation definitions examples

Attachment Theory

Definition: Attachment theory explores the stages of relationships between caregivers and their children and proposes a range of attachment styles.

attachment theory examples definition

Attribution Theory

Definition: Attribution theory believes that people attempt to understand events and actions by (often mistakenly) attributing intentions, beliefs, and feelings to the events.

attribution theory examples definition

Classical Conditioning

Definition: Classical conditioning refers to learned behaviors that occur when a neutral stimulus is associated with a learned response.

classical conditioning examples definition

Cognitive Bias

Definition: A cognitive bias is a mental shortcut (also known as a heuristic) leading to an unconscious error in thinking.

cognitive bias examples definition

Concrete Operational Stage of Development

Definition: The concrete operational stage is the third stage in Piaget’s stages of cognitive development typically occurring between ages 7 and 12.

concrete operational stage examples

Crystallized Intelligence

Definition: Crystallized intelligence refers to the knowledge and skills a person develops throughout their lifespan. It is opposed to fluid intelligence, which refers to on-the-spot problem-solving intelligence.

crystallized intelligence vs fluid intelligence

Fixed Ratio Schedules

Definition: A fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement is a rewards schedule when a reward is delivered after a specific number of responses.

fixed ratio schedule examples strengths weaknesses

Fluid Intelligence

Definition: Fluid intelligence is the ability to solve newly encountered problems based on logic and reason.

crystallized intelligence vs fluid intelligence

Formal Operational Stage of Development

Definition: The formal operational stage is the fourth and final stage in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development that occurs from the ages of 11 and up.

formal operational stage examples definition

Functional Fixedness

Definition: Functional fixedness refers to rigidity in problem-solving, characterized by a tendency to think of things only in terms of their usual functions.

functional fixedness examples definition

Higher Order Conditioning

Definition: Higher-order conditioning occurs when a second conditioned stimulus becomes associated with an initial conditioned stimulus and evokes an unconditioned response by itself. Confused? This article will clear it up.

higher order conditioning definition and example

Intrinsic Motivation

Definition: Intrinsic motivation occurs when you do a task without any external incentives.

intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation definitions and examples

Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development

Definition: Kohlberg devised a theory of moral development which postulates that moral reasoning passes through six stages from early childhood to adulthood.

kohlbergs theory of moral development

Locus of Control

Definition: An external locus of control refers to the belief that actions do not control outcomes. An internal locus of control refers to the belief that your actions can influence outcomes.

locus of control theory definition and examples

Metacognitive Theory

Definition: Metacognitive Theory is a theory of knowledge that is interested in how humans can actively monitor and regulate their own thought processes.

metacognitive theory definition types

Moral Relativism

Definition: Moral relativism is a view that rejects the existence of any objective, absolute or universal moral truths that govern our morality.

moral relativism examples definition

Operant Conditioning

Definition: Operant conditioning explains how people and animals develop learned responses through the repetition of reinforcements and punishments.

operant conditioning examples and definition

Positive Reinforcement

Definition: Positive reinforcement is a concept from conditioning theory that refers to the use of rewards and praise to encourage repetition of desired behaviors.

positive reinforcement examples and definition

Preoperational Stage of Development

Definition: The preoperational stage is the second stage in Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. This stage is from ages 2 to 7 years old.

preoperational stage examples definition substages

Rehearsal (Elaborative and Maintenance)

Definition: Elaborative rehearsal refers to strategies for committing information to long-term memory. Maintenance rehearsal is for short-term memory.

elaborative and maintenance rehearsal descriptions

Reverse Psychology

Definition: Reverse psychology refers to a persuasion technique in which one person tries to get someone to do something by suggesting that they do the opposite.

reverse psychology examples definition


Definition: A cognitive schema is a mental framework that organizes information in the mind. It is a packet of mental information that categorizes objects and concepts.

cognitive schema examples definition

Selective Attention

Definition: Selective attention refers to the ability to intentionally focus awareness on specific aspects of a situation or information and drown out other information.

selective attention example definition

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Definition: Self-actualization is the realization or fulfillment of one’s full talents and potentialities. It is the process of fully developing oneself physically, mentally, and spiritually.

maslows hierarchy of needs

Self-Determination Theory

Definition: Self-determination theory (SDT) is a theory of motivation. ‘Self-determination’ is the sense that we are on control of our own lives and choices, are motivated, and can meet our potential.

self determination theory definition examples

Sensorimotor Stage of Development

Definition: According to Piaget, the sensorimotor stage of development is a child’s first stage of development. This stage lasts from birth to 2 years old.

sensorimotor stage examples definition

Social Penetration Theory

Definition: Social penetration theory explores stages of relationship progression and what happens in each stage.

social penetration theory


Definition: Sublimation involves channeling unwanted or disturbing thoughts, impulses or desires into something positive and constructive.

sublimation in psychology definition examples

Vicarious Punishment

Definition: Vicarious punishment is when one person observes another person (the model) being punished after doing something.

vicarious punishment examples definition

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