Method of Loci (10 Examples and Definition)

Method of Loci (10 Examples and Definition)Reviewed by Chris Drew (PhD)

This article was peer-reviewed and edited by Chris Drew (PhD). The review process on Helpful Professor involves having a PhD level expert fact check, edit, and contribute to articles. Reviewers ensure all content reflects expert academic consensus and is backed up with reference to academic studies. Dr. Drew has published over 20 academic articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education and holds a PhD in Education from ACU.

method of loci example and definition, described below.

The method of loci is a mnemonic device commonly used for improving memory and learning. It involves picturing objects within a familiar physical space or mental image and using this to recall information more easily.

By leveraging spatial memory’s power, this method enables individuals to better remember and access information by connecting it with familiar locations.

For example, if you needed to remember the nine planets in our solar system, you could imagine them as objects placed along a path like a walk through your neighborhood. 

This approach can help mentally store the items in an easier-to-remember order as they are associated with things already known and familiar.

When you need to recall the information, you mentally walk through the environment, retrieving the items as you encounter their associated locations.

Definition of Method of Loci

The method of loci is a mnemonic technique that involves mentally placing items along a familiar route or sequence to help recall them more easily. 

It is based on the idea that humans can easily remember things by linking them to spatial information and associated objects. 

According to Selvaraj and Fujimoto (2023),

“…the loci method is a strategy of memory enhancement which uses visualizations of familiar spatial environments to enhance the recall of information” (p. 253).

The method of loci involves visualizing a familiar environment, such as a room in your house, or a path you walk every day, and mentally placing the items or pieces of information you want to remember at different locations within that environment. 

Qureshi and colleagues (2014) define the method of loci as “a mnemonic device that relies on spatial relationships between “loci” (e.g., locations on a familiar route or rooms in a familiar building) to arrange and recollect memorial content” (p. 140).

Studies have found this method can improve learning and memory performance by creating associations between physical environments and mental activities.

Simply, the method of loci is a memory technique where individuals create associations between physical environments and mental activities to help access, store, and recall information more easily. 

Method of Loci Examples

  • Making a grocery list: Imagine each item on your grocery list as objects placed along a route in your home or outside. For example, visualize a loaf of bread on the doormat, a carton of milk on the stairs, and so on. It can help you remember all the items on the list when you get to the store.
  • Cramming for an exam: Visualize key facts, figures, and concepts along a route or journey through your home. Mentally place key concepts, facts, or dates from your study material at various landmarks around your neighborhood. For example, visualize the definition of a specific term next to a specific statue or building. When you need to recall the information, mentally walk through the neighborhood, visit each landmark, and remember the associated information.
  • Remembering speeches or presentations: Picture each phrase or idea along a path from your house, and it will help you deliver it without notes during the presentation. For example, visualize the introduction near the coffee shop, the first argument at the traffic light, etc. Mentally walk through this route to recall the order and content of your speech.
  • Memorizing facts and figures: Visualize memorable images associated with important facts and figures and imagine them alongside a route, such as walking down city streets or through famous monuments. For instance, imagine a specific equation related to a certain theorem on the steps of a historical landmark.
  • Committing phone numbers to memory: Choose a familiar place, like your favorite restaurant, and mentally place each digit of the number sequence at different spots within the restaurant. For example, visualize the first digit written on the menu, the second digit on the waiter’s uniform, and so on. Then, to recall the number sequence, mentally visit each spot in the restaurant and retrieve the digits.
  • Learning foreign language vocabulary words: Associate new vocabulary words with places around town, such as restaurants, shops, or other iconic locations. For example, imagine the word “book” in a foreign language with the state library. It can also help with pronunciation skills by speaking aloud while visualizing these objects in their corresponding locations on the map/route.
  • Remembering people’s names at events or meetings: Associate names with places you already know – like remembering someone named Bob at the local cafe – so that when you meet him again, it is easy to recall his name because it is linked to something familiar in your environment/mindscape.
  • Remembering appointments and schedules: Use a familiar place to help remember your appointments and their times. For instance, visualize your 2 PM dentist appointment in the first room of your house, your 4 PM meeting in the second room, and so on. Mentally walk through the rooms to recall the appointment times and details.
  • Memorizing a deck of playing cards: Choose a familiar route, such as your daily commute to work, and mentally place each card from the deck at specific locations along the route. For example, visualize the first card at the bus stop, the second card at the crosswalk, etc. To recall the order of the cards in the deck, mentally walk through the route and remember each card at its respective location.
  • Learning a complex process or procedure: Break down the process or procedure into individual steps and mentally place each step in a familiar location. For example, if you are learning how to bake a cake, visualize the ingredients in your kitchen, the mixing process in the dining room, the baking in the oven, and so on. To recall the process, mentally walk through the locations and remember each step.

Origins of the Method of Loci Work

The method of loci is an ancient memory technique popularized by the poet Simonides of Ceos in 500 BCE when he famously used it to remember details at a banquet where his audience perished in a building collapse.

Legend has it that Simonides attended a banquet in Thessaly. While he briefly stepped outside, the roof of the banquet hall tragically collapsed, killing everyone inside (Macknik et al., 2010).

The victims were so badly mangled that their family members couldn’t identify them for proper burial.

However, Simonides discovered that he could recall each guest’s name and seating position at the banquet. By mentally reconstructing the scene and focusing on the guests’ spatial arrangement, he could identify the deceased individuals. 

This realization led Simonides to develop the method of loci, which enhances memory by associating the information with specific spatial locations.

Following Simonides’ initial discovery, the method of loci became popular in ancient Greece and Rome. Scholars, orators, and philosophers used the technique to memorize speeches, texts, and complex ideas (Macknik et al., 2010).

The method of loci was seen as a crucial element in the art of memory, an indispensable aspect of classical rhetoric and education.

How Does the Method of Loci Work?

The method of loci works by associating items you want to remember with specific locations in a familiar place. It involves creating an image or “mind palace” in your head, which is usually a location such as your home or office. 

Here’s a detailed explanation of how the method of loci works:

1. Choose a Familiar Location

Begin by selecting a location you know well, such as your home, workplace, or a route you often travel. Familiarity is important because it provides a mental framework that can be easily navigated (O’Ryan, 2019).

2. Identify a Route and Loci

Identify a route you’ll follow within the chosen location and select specific loci (singular: locus) or distinct points along the route, where you’ll mentally “store” the information (O’Ryan, 2019).

Loci could be rooms, furniture, landmarks, or other prominent points. Ensure the route and loci are logical so you don’t skip or mix up the sequence.

For instance, in your home, the route might begin at the front door, then move to the living room, kitchen, bedroom, etc. The loci could be the door itself, a specific piece of furniture in the living room, a kitchen appliance, etc.

3. Create Vivid Associations

For each piece of information you want to remember, create a vivid and memorable mental image that incorporates the information and the corresponding locus (O’Ryan, 2019).

The more imaginative, absurd, or emotionally charged the association, the more likely it will stick in your memory.

Suppose you must remember a shopping list with milk, eggs, bread, and tomatoes. 

You could imagine the front door oozing with milk, the living room sofa covered in a mountain of eggs, the kitchen stove with loaves of bread cooking, and the bedroom bed filled with ripe tomatoes.

4. Mentally Walk the Route

To commit the associations to memory, mentally walk the route in your chosen location, stopping at each locus to “see” the vivid images you created. 

Take your time and involve as many senses as possible to create a multi-sensory experience (O’Ryan, 2019).

5. Recall the Information

When you need to remember the information, simply take the mental walk through your chosen location again, visiting each locus in order. 

The vivid images you associate with each locus should help you recall the information more easily (O’Ryan, 2019).

Benefits of the Method of Loci

The method of loci offers many benefits, such as improved recall, organization of memories into logical sequences, and greater confidence in memory tasks.

Firstly, this memorization strategy helps improve our ability to recall information. By visualizing items within a familiar location, our brains can better recognize patterns and link related data together (National Academies Press, 2006).

Secondly, this technique helps us organize our memories into logical sequences. It makes it easier to access them when needed – rather than trying to remember multiple items at once or quickly flipping through unrelated facts in our minds.

Finally, the method of loci can provide us with greater confidence when it comes to memory tasks (Qureshi et al., 2014).

Having structure and order gives assurance that we won’t forget important details, leading to much less stress and worry over remembering certain topics.

Critique of the Method of Loci

There are also some critiques of the method of loci that should be taken into account, such as the difficulty of using abstract information and the potential for inaccuracies.

This memory tool can be difficult to get used to at first and may require significant practice before becoming a reliable memorization strategy. 

Additionally, without proper maintenance and review of mental maps, the connection between items and locations may weaken over time, resulting in reduced recall performance (Qureshi et al., 2014).

Besides, the technique requires a place or setting to store memories effectively – which is not ideal for someone who wants to remember something on the go. 

Likewise, if your environment changes or you move somewhere new, it could affect your ability to easily remember items as they will no longer be connected to their original location.

Furthermore, some people find their images too abstract or not detailed enough to help them remember facts and figures – making this approach less effective (Qureshi et al., 2014).

Other memorization techniques include the peg word system and the memory linking method.


The method of loci is an effective memory tool that has been used for centuries to help people store and recall information more easily.

Using vivid mental images within familiar locations can make memorization tasks much easier and less stressful. 

However, there are also some potential drawbacks – such as difficulty with abstract topics, inaccuracy due to lack of maintenance, and limited portability – that should be taken into account before attempting to use the method of loci. 

Ultimately, it is up to the individual to decide how best to use this memorization technique to suit their needs and learning styles. 

With practice and dedication, however, the method of loci can be an invaluable asset when it comes to improving memory and recall ability.


Macknik, S., Martinez-Conde, S., & Blakeslee, S. (2010). Sleights of mind. Henry Holt and Company.

National Academies Press. (2006). Learning to think spatially. National Academies Press.

O’Ryan, T. (2019). Photographic memory: Your complete and practical guide to learn faster, increase retention and be more productive with beginners and advanced techniques. White Flower Pubishing.

Qureshi, A., Rizvi, F., Syed, A., Shahid, A., & Manzoor, H. (2014). The method of loci as a mnemonic device to facilitate learning in endocrinology leads to improvement in student performance as measured by assessments. Advances in Physiology Education38(2), 140–144.

Selvaraj, H., & Fujimoto, T. (2023). Applied systemic studies. Springer Nature.

Viktoriya Sus

Viktoriya Sus (MA)

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Viktoriya Sus is an academic writer specializing mainly in economics and business from Ukraine. She holds a Master’s degree in International Business from Lviv National University and has more than 6 years of experience writing for different clients. Viktoriya is passionate about researching the latest trends in economics and business. However, she also loves to explore different topics such as psychology, philosophy, and more.

This article was peer-reviewed and edited by Chris Drew (PhD). The review process on Helpful Professor involves having a PhD level expert fact check, edit, and contribute to articles. Reviewers ensure all content reflects expert academic consensus and is backed up with reference to academic studies. Dr. Drew has published over 20 academic articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education and holds a PhD in Education from ACU.

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