112 Vision and Mission Statements for Churches (Examples)

definitions of vision and mission statements, explained below

These are the church mission statements from 112 of the largest churches in the world.

Common terms in these mission statements include: community, disciples, love, glorify, believe, grow, worship, change, relationship, fellowship, hope, excellence, impact, and empower.

The Most common bible verse included in mission statements was Matthew 28:19:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”

Remember that you need to come up with your own unique mission statement. Use the below mission statements as motivation and inspiration, but also draw inspiration from Jesus’s word and from within the congregation to come up with a unique church mission statement for your church community.

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Church Mission Statement Examples

  • “Training Christian business owners and leaders to effectively apply Biblical principles and best practices so that they grow as disciples of Jesus Christ and fulfill God’s unique calling on their lives and in the marketplace.” – Bayside Community Church
  • “Calvary Chapel Bible College exists to train and develop men and women of all ages, backgrounds, and nationalities into Christlike disciples and servant-leaders who know God through His Word and are equipped by His Spirit to serve Him in every area of life, for the glory of God.” – Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa
  • “Connect people to God, connect people to people, and connect people to outreach.” – Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale
  • “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” – Calvary Chapel Golden Springs
  • “Calvary Chapel Melbourne has continued to focus on the mission and purpose of “connecting people to Jesus”” – Calvary Chapel Melbourne
  • “The mission of Calvary Church is to be a community of Christ-followers who are Loving God, Changing Lives, and Transforming Communities in our Homes, City, and World.” – Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia
  • “We want to help every believer live out God’s mission for their lives, whether that’s in their workplace, the community, or across the globe on a short-term missions trip.” – Calvary Chapel South Bay
  • “At Calvary Church, we create environments that minimize awkwardness and remove obstacles, believing this will maximize belonging and create opportunities for life change.” – Calvary of Albuquerque
  • “The mission of Calvary Church is to be a community of Christ-followers who are Loving God, Changing Lives, and Transforming Communities in our Homes, City, and World.” – Calvary Community Church
  • “The mission of Celebration Church is to make more and better followers of Jesus Christ.” – Celebration Church
  • “The mission of Central Christian Church is to empower people for Christ’s ministries in their daily lives: home, school, workplace church, and community.” – Central Christian Church
  • “Our mission is to impact the world with the love and message of Jesus Christ—everyone, everyday, everywhere.” – Christ Fellowship
  • “It is our mission to win people to Christ, train believers to become disciples and send disciples to impact the world.” – Christ’s Church of the Valley
  • “CCC’s mission is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, help spiritual seekers become transformed believers, and demonstrate the love and compassion of Christ to the world, through humanitarian works and social engagement.” – Christian Cultural Center
  • “We are a community that seeks to glorify God by surrendering to Jesus, making disciple-making disciples and transforming communities.” – Church of Eleven22
  • “To live, love, and serve for the unending fame of Jesus Christ.” – Church of the Highlands
  • “Our mission is to introduce people to the real Jesus. A lot of people know about Jesus but have yet to experience the life-changing power of His grace and truth. Knowing Jesus has transformed our lives, so our goal for each of our worship services, from our kids’ environments on up, is to help people know that same love.” – Church on the Move
  • “Church Unlimited Westside Missions serves as a center for helping families and individuals who find it difficult to meet their basic, everyday needs.” – Church Unlimited
  • “To serve families, children, and individuals in the Athens area who are living in crisis.” – City of Refuge
  • “The purpose of Community Bible Church is to worship and glorify God in obedience to His Word, the Bible, by sharing Christ with all who will listen, and by training believers for the work of the ministry.” – Community Bible Church
  • “We are committed to cross borders and breaking all barriers in order to reach every tribe, tongue, and nation with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ.” – Cross Church
  • “The purpose of Crossings Community Church is to be a Christ-Centered Church building Christ-Centered people.” – Crossings Community Church
  • “Our vision is to maximize our resources by connecting people with God as one church with many locations.” – Crossroads Church Cincinnati
  • “We are to encourage the people of God to become strong in faith and in works according to the Word of God.” – Deliverance Evangelistic Church
  • “Our mission is to lead people into a fully-devoted relationship with Jesus Christ.” – Dream City Church
  • “Empowered by God to reach others for Christ.” – Eagle Brook Church
  • “At Eastern Star Church, we believe in coming together around Evangelism and Discipleship.” – Eastern Star Baptist Church
  • “It is the mission of Ebenezer African Methodist Episcopal Church to minister to the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and economic needs of all people through Christ’s liberating gospel through word and deed, thereby creating excellence for the whole person.” – Ebenezer AME Church
  • “Elevation Church exists so that people far from God will be raised to life in Christ.” – Elevation Church
  • “Empowerment is dedicated reviving the God given strength and confidence through spiritual enrichment.” – Empowerment Temple
  • “The mission of the Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church is to offer families a Christ-centered, Biblically-based ministry that is educational, evangelical, inspirational, and combative of negative and demonic forces in our community.” – Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church
  • “To equip people to bring Jesus to every nook and cranny of our society and world.” – EPIC Church International
  • “We are committed to serve, to reach, and to touch people’s lives with the message of the great Gospel of Jesus Christ!” – Faith Landmarks Ministries
  • “Our mission is to provide excellent healthcare to the community that communicates in word and deed the love and Gospel of Jesus Christ.” – Family Christian Center
  • “Our vision for Fellowship Church is simple. We exist to Reach Up, Reach Out, and Reach In.” – Fellowship Church
  • “The Mission of the African Methodist Episcopal Church is to minister to the spiritual, intellectual, physical, emotional, and environmental needs of all people by spreading Christ’s liberating gospel through word and deed.” – First African Methodist Episcopal Church
  • We purpose and are committed to fulfilling our mandate and vision, “Developing, Dynamic Disciples through Discipleship, Discipline and Duplication.” – First Baptist Church of Glenarden
  • “We focus on helping those in our immediate community who are hurting, have lost hope and are broken-hearted.” – First Baptist Church Orlando
  • “Our mission is to provide compassionate, accessible healthcare for all.” – Ada Bible Church
  • “Fountain of Living Praise is a body of believers that will reach the World for Jesus Christ through personal interactions.” – Fountain of Praise
  • “Inspiring people to live for Jesus.” – Free Chapel
  • “Our mission is to help each person at Gateway believe in Jesus, belong to family, become a follower, and build God’s kingdom.” – Gateway Church
  • “We believe God has called GBC to take the Gospel to His people in Belize. He is already working through us to great things there and we need YOU to come play a part.” – Germantown Baptist Church
  • “Our mission is to glorify God and extend His kingdom by living and proclaiming His truth in the world.” – Grace Community Church
  • “Our mission is to effectively minister the Word of God to the people of God” – Greater Allen A. M. E. Cathedral of New York
  • “Our main mission is to win souls to Jesus Christ and grow them holistically in mind, body and Spirit.”” – Greater St. Stephen Full Gospel Baptist
  • “To provide a long term safe haven, redemptive rescue, and restoration for exploited female youth” – Green Acres Baptist Church
  • “We believe it is the aim, duty, and privilege of every believer and local church fellowship to glorify God by responding as active participants in the Great Commission call of Jesus Christ to go and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19).” – Harvest Christian Fellowship
  • “The mission of The Healing Place is to transform individuals affected by addiction or homelessness through accountability and connection.” – Healing Place Church
  • “Love Life’s mission is to create a culture of love and life where people stop running to abortion centers and start running to the local church.” – Hickory Grove Baptist Church
  • “To help people experience Jesus in a way that will change their lives and impact generations with his hope.” – Hope City Church
  • “Hope Community Church is dedicated to making disciples of Jesus Christ from amongst all kinds of people, teaching them all Jesus commanded and partnering with other churches and ministries around the world devoted to the same purpose.” – Hope Community Church
  • “The mission of Hopewell Independent Missionary Baptist Church is the same mission Jesus gave his followers: Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.” – Hopewell Missionary Baptist
  • “We believe God has individually equipped us and corporately gathered us as His living body so that we can successfully achieve His purpose for our lives, which is to worship God, strengthen the Church, and share the Gospel with the community in which we live.” – James River Church
  • “Redemption Church exists to glorify God by cultivating disciples through magnifying the wonders of the Gospel so every soul in Pearland and beyond would flourish.” – Redemption Church
  • “Kensington Community Church is a vibrant and inspiring place to believe, belong, and become. Wherever you are on life’s journey, we welcome you to join us as we grow in the light of God.” – Kensington Church
  • “The King’s Chapel is called to joyfully proclaim the gospel of Christ and gather together to worship God, and to inspire a love for Christ, a passion for righteousness, and a consciousness of duty to God and our fellow human beings.” – King’s Cathedral and Chapels
  • “We believe the Church to be the body of Christ, which includes all who have trusted in Jesus throughout all ages. The church exists to glorify God by loving Him and making Him known to others.” – Lake Pointe Church
  • “To glorify God by staying tethered to Christ through His Word, and reaching Central Florida with the Gospel by turning members into missionaries.” – Lakes Church
  • “Lakewood Missions is reaching around the world with the message of Hope and Compassion of Jesus Christ by forming, training and sending evangelistic, humanitarian and medical missions teams to assist people in need.” – Lakewood Church
  • “Legacy Church is leading people in a growing relationship with Jesus” – Legacy Church
  • “Liberty exists to change lives, communities, & the world for Jesus Christ.” – LibertyLive
  • “Our mission is to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. That’s how we’re able to make a difference, and it’s the driving force behind everything we do.” – Life Church
  • “To empower Believers through teaching, preaching, and demonstration of the uncompromised Word of God, to fulfill their highest calling, and to change this world through Jesus Christ.” – Living Word Christian Center
  • “Reach out to the world around us and share the everlasting love of Jesus Christ!” – Lutheran Church of Hope
  • “Our mission is to rescue those who are lost in the darkness of this world and to bring them to salvation from sin and eternal life.” – Mariners Church
  • “Living out the way of Jesus in missional communities, announcing the arrival of his kingdom, working for measurable change among the oppressed.” – Mars Hill Bible Church
  • “At McLean Bible Church (MBC), we glorify God by making disciples and multiplying churches among all nations, beginning in greater Washington, DC.” – McLean Bible Church
  • “Committed to the spirit of excellence, we are striving to become an oasis of hope within the Nashville community, by promoting and providing education, awareness, as well as financial independence.” – Mount Zion Baptist Church
  • “To lead the world to worship God through SERVING, LOVING, EVANGELIZING and DISCIPLESHIP.” – New Birth Missionary Baptist Church
  • “The purpose of this church is to glorify God by producing maturing followers (disciples) of Jesus Christ through the four scriptural principles of Learning, Loving, Worship and Prayer.” – New Hope Christian Fellowship
  • “New Life Church is committed to each generation and every stage of life, from exploring the Bible with children to finding community as a single to leading discussions about God’s faithfulness with grandparents.” – New Life Church
  • “Our purpose is to call people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ; to move them into active discipleship in the congregation, and equip them to be effective and efficient witnessing disciples in the community.” – New Life Covenant Church
  • “Make disciples of Jesus Christ and teach them to obey his commandments (Mathew 28:18-20). Our Vision: multi-ethnic, inner-city church glorifying God. Becoming united and spiritually mature. Changing lives through the gospel of Jesus Christ.” – New Light Christian Center Church
  • “Our purpose is to help people make an eternal connection with Jesus Christ and with others in order to grow strong to produce fruit for the kingdom of God. ” – NewSpring Church
  • “Inspire people to follow Jesus by engaging them in the life and mission of North Point Community Church.” – North Point Community Church
  • “We are disciples who make disciples by guiding all people to follow Jesus moment by moment.” – Oak Hills Church
  • “We pursue to make disciples who love, learn, and live Jesus in our local communities and the world.” – One Community Church
  • “Reach people with God’s love. Raise them to be like Jesus. Release them to change the world.” – Parkview Christian Church
  • “Growing & serving together to share the love of Jesus with our neighbors, our community and our world.” – Pinelake Church
  • “Partner with people to reach their God-potential to impact the world for good stems from a deep-rooted desire to not only follow God, but grow as a community.” – Potential Church
  • “We are the voice and the hand that encourages people to change their lives with hope, comfort and peace.” – The Potter’s House
  • “In pursuit of excellence in education the mission of Prestonwood Christian Academy is to assist Christian parents by helping equip students to embrace biblical truth, strive for academic excellence, and model Christ-like leadership to influence their homes, churches and communities for Christ.” – Prestonwood Baptist Church
  • “Go where God calls us to go, to do what we are sent to do, make disciples.” – Quest Community Church
  • “Our mission is to welcome all people from all walks of life to Jesus Christ.” – Relentless Church
  • “Our worship services are filled with inspiring, relevant and Biblically-based preaching, complemented by quality worship music.” – River Church
  • “Our mission is to lead people into an authentic, life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.” – River Valley Church
  • “We have a passion to see unbelievers become believers daily and to communicate the Word of God in a transparent and relevant way.” – The Rock Church & World Outreach Center
  • “We have a passion to see unbelievers become believers daily and to communicate the Word of God in a transparent and relevant way.” – Rock Church
  • “Our mission is to provide a place where the depressed, the hurting and hopeless can come and find help.” – Saddleback Church
  • “We believe that the church should operate as the hands and feet of Jesus, giving and providing compassion to those in need. We are committed to spreading God’s love locally, nationally, and internationally through Mission efforts.” – Sagebrush Church
  • “Sagemont Church works to provide Living Proof of a Loving God to a Watching World.” – Sagemont Church
  • “Our Mission is to introduce people to Jesus Christ and to encourage the cultivation of a personal relationship with Him.” – St. Matthews Baptist Church
  • “It is St. Stephen’s goal to provide financial, hands-on and prayer support for missionaries and mission agencies as they are witnesses and make disciples for Jesus Christ.” – St. Stephen Church
  • “To encourage, guide, and lead people into a growing  and active relationship with Jesus Christ, in which  they can benefit and serve their family, church, and community: For the sake of the Great Commission.” – Salem Baptist Church
  • “Our vision has always been to reach unchurched people by speaking the language of the modern culture, and provide a place that encourages non-believers to investigate Christianity at their own pace. ” – Second Baptist Church Houston
  • “Our mission is to connect people to Jesus and one another!” – Southeast Christian Church
  • “Triumph Christian Center is called to be a caring community of Christians committed to developing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ that nurtures believers into a ministry of evangelization, edification, and emancipation, in the Church and the community.” – Triumph Church
  • “12Stone Church is a place to find answers about the Bible and make connections with people.” – 12Stone Church
  • “We’re committed to share the gospel through evangelism, grow in spiritual maturity through discipleship, and advance the kingdom of God through making new churches.” – Valley Bible Fellowship
  • “It is our mission to introduce all students to the saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Knowing Him is foundational to every aspect of a child’s developing strong character.” – Victory Christian Center
  • “We exist to connect people to Jesus. To attract and win souls, develop them to Christ-like maturity, empower them through the dynamics of the Holy Spirit, and mobilize them for a meaningful ministry in the church and a life mission in the world in each stage and segment of their lives.” – Victory Church
  • “Our mission is to worship God by helping as many people as possible become fully devoted followers of Jesus.” – The Village Church
  • “The mission of community at Watermark is to shepherd our body by connecting people in authentic relationships that lead to spiritual transformation” – Watermark Community Church
  • “West Angeles Church of God in Christ seeks to be a Biblical ministry of Excellence. Our ministry is designed to encourage life transformation through our threefold purpose: to Evangelize, Edify, and Equip the whole person to serve the community, and to reach the world for Jesus Christ.” – West Angeles Cathedral
  • “We are here to help people take next steps to Love God. Love people. Change the world.” – Willow Creek Community Church
  • “We gather, grow, and go to see Jesus transform lives in Calhoun County and beyond.” – Woodlands Church
  • “We exist to glorify God by making disciples – helping people belong to Christ, grow in Christ, and reach the world for Christ.” – Woodside Bible Church
  • “Our mission is to bring together the energies, talents, and abilities of people anointed for service who are capable, qualified, and motivated to operate in excellence and professionalism in a Christ-centered environment, thereby fulfilling the vision and calling of this ministry.” – World Changers Church Int.
  • “Our goal is that we all may live the life ordained by God with balanced victory, pleasing Him every day. We aspire to start a unified people on a journey leading every soul to the destiny required and prescribed by God.” – World Overcomers Christian Church
  • “Our one purpose is to spread His Gospel to as many people as we can, in every way we can, as long as we can. We would love to widen our circle to receive you and your family.” – World Harvest Church
  • “World Outreach Church focuses on the beliefs that unite all Christians and is in the mainstream of the historic Christian faith.” – World Outreach Church

How to Write a Church Mission and Vision Statement

To write your church mission statement, you’ll need to reflect on how your church serves your community. Consider what’s unique about your community when coming up with the mission statement.

Also reflect on the three components of a mission statement: values, vision and mission.

  • Values Statement: Who you are. For churches, this is obviously going to be based on your core belief in fulfilling god’s work.
  • Vision Statement: Where you’re going. What do you think you can reasonably achieve in 20 years?
  • Mission Statement: How you’ll get there. What do you do on a daily and weekly basis to fulfill your values and vision?

Don’t forget to also write a code of ethics – see here for a code of ethics example


The above examples of church mission and vision statements are from the top 112 churches in the world. Use these as inspiration, but remember you’ll need to create a unique church mission statement based on your own community and context.

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Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

1 thought on “112 Vision and Mission Statements for Churches (Examples)”

  1. I am encouraged, my local church, in a big denominational church is in the process of writing a mission, vision and core values statement.
    These samples is helpful. I bless God and thank you.

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