➡️ Video Lesson: Intro to Uses and Gratifications Theory
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Uses and gratifications theory is a concept within the sociology of mass communication that examines the role of the audience in making decisions and setting goals when it consumes media products.
In other words, it is a theory that defines how people choose a particular media channel to meet their personal needs.
Unlike many other mass communication theories that explore how media affects people, the uses and gratifications theory answers the question: How do people use media?
In other words, the uses and gratifications theory focuses on the motives behind the behavior of media consumers rather than on the media’s direct impact on the consumer.
This theory is studied within the framework of social psychology using a positivist approach.
Definition of Uses and Gratifications Theory
Unlike other media theories, UGT zeroes in on the consumer’s agency (that is, their ability to use media for their own benefit) rather than focusing on how mass media controls and influences us.
It takes a practical approach and highlights how people interact with different forms of communication to get rewards from them.
According to Lai (2023), uses and gratifications theory:
“…proposes that people choose to consume certain kinds of media because they expect to obtain specific gratifications as a result of those selections” (p. 250).
Pedersen (2017) noted that: ” audience members reacted to mass media and sought to use it for specific purposes based on their own individual characteristics, social categories, and relationships” (p. 92).
While other theories such as the hypodermic needle theory see people as passive recipients of media messages, UGT views people as active media consumers who are aware of the reasons why they choose to consume media.
So, in simple terms, the uses and gratifications theory is a social psychological approach that focuses on the motives behind media consumption rather than the impacts of specific messages or content.
Uses and Gratifications Theory Examples
The following are some examples of how people may use social media for their own benefit, according to uses and gratifications theory:
- Entertainment: People use media for entertainment purposes. They watch movies and TV shows or listen to music to relax and escape from their daily routine.
- Social interaction: Media can be used to fulfill the need for social interaction. Social media provides an incredible opportunity to form connections, share content with others, and communicate in previously impossible ways. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter enable users to stay connected with loved ones despite physical distance.
- Information gathering: In this digital age, we rely on various media outlets to arm ourselves with the latest news and updates. Whether it’s newspapers, television channels, or online platforms- people turn to these sources to stay in touch with world events. After all, knowledge is power!
- Personal identity formation: Media can be a powerful tool in helping individuals cultivate their identity. Through consuming different media forms, people can gain insight into their values and beliefs while exploring their interests – ultimately forming an understanding of who they are.
- Emotional release: People often turn to media for emotional relief. Whether listening to melodic tunes or streaming an uplifting movie, these activities can ease stress and create feelings of joy. So, if someone is feeling down, they can use media to help lift their spirits.
- Surveillance: Surveillance via media is a real issue. Whether it’s monitoring social media accounts or using CCTV cameras, people can use the power of technology to gain insights into others’ lives without their knowledge.
- Escapism: Media is a great way to take your mind off reality, allowing you to avoid any stress or worries and relax for now. Whether watching your favorite show on TV, streaming music online, or playing video games – media can provide solace and distraction from everyday life.
- Education: Utilizing media is an effective way to learn! Whether watching informative documentaries, reading educational books, or even taking online courses, many avenues are available to expand their knowledge.
- Persuasion: Media has incredible power in dictating public opinion and behavior. Advertising, political campaigns, or PR initiatives can all be used to sway people’s attitudes through the persuasive use of media.
- Sense of belonging: Media can make people feel a sense of community and belonging. Attending sports games and concerts or joining online forums are popular ways for individuals to connect emotionally with others.
Origins of Uses and Gratifications Theory
The origins of UGT can be traced back to the 1940s when communication researchers initially sought to study why certain media and content appeal to different people.
UGT was developed by a group of researchers, including Elihu Katz, Jay Blumler, and Denis McQuail, who were interested in understanding the role of media in people’s lives (Kasirye, 2022).
The theory was based on the assumption that people actively seek out and use media to satisfy their needs and wants rather than being passive recipients of media messages.
In the 1950s, researchers began to question the assumptions of the media effects model, which suggested that media had a powerful and direct impact on audiences (Pedersen, 2017).
Instead, they argued that audiences were not passive and could use media in ways that satisfied their needs and desires.
UGT continued to evolve and develop, with researchers refining and expanding the theory. For example, in the 1970s and 1980s, experts delved into how age, gender, and temperament influenced people’s media usage (Kasirye, 2022).
Today, UGT remains an influential theory in communication studies. Scholars leverage this approach to analyze a broad array of media, from traditional sources like television and newspapers to modern formats, which include social media platforms and streaming services.
Basic Assumptions of Uses and Gratifications Theory
Uses and gratifications theory is based on five basic assumptions developed by Blumer, Katz, and Rossi and later refined by McQuail and others (Littlejohn, 2021).
- Active audience: The audience actively participates in their media selection, driven by perceived goals and seeking to achieve them through media choices.
- Knowing audience: Individuals take the initiative in associating needs gratification with media selection, showing awareness of the potential benefits of their chosen media and being less influenced by the media itself. It emphasizes the importance of subjective opinion over media depiction.
- Competition for attention: Media competes with other sources of gratification for audience attention, as individuals have multiple interests and desires that require fulfillment.
- Audience affects media producers: The goals of media use are determined by the audience themselves, who are conscious and attentive to their motivations for selecting certain media content.
- Audience creates media value: Cultural value judgments of media content are deferred to audience actions, as only the audience can establish the actual value of the media content they consume based on their assessments and decisions (Littlejohn, 2021).
These assumptions are critical in helping researchers understand the motivations and decisions of media users. In addition, they provide a foundation for further research into how people use media to satisfy their needs and desires.
Contemporary Application of Uses and Gratifications Theory
Uses and gratifications theory has continued to evolve and has numerous modern applications in research. It is widely used in the study of social media, streaming services, and other digital platforms.
UGT can be used to understand how people use digital media to form relationships, express themselves, and find entertainment. It is also used to study how people use media to learn, be informed, and connect with others differently.
UGT plays a critical role in comprehending media consumption in the modern age when there is an ever-growing variety of choices.
It can be utilized to fathom why people choose specific channels or content above others and how these decisions affect society.
Finally, UGT can be used to understand how media affects people’s attitudes and behaviors.
The media’s power to influence people is becoming more and more noteworthy as researchers investigate how it can cause a transformation in individuals’ outlooks or behaviors.
Criticisms of Uses and Gratifications Theory
While UGT has provided valuable insights into media use and audience behavior, it has also been criticized due to the lack of a clear conceptual framework, difficulty measuring gratification, and the issue of causality.
- Lacking conceptual framework: Some critics argue that UGT lacks a clear conceptual framework and precise definitions of key concepts. It can make it difficult to operationalize the theory and test its hypotheses (Swanson, 1977)
- Lack of a macro-sociological understanding: UGT focuses heavily on individual agencies and users’ active role in selecting and using media. However, some believe that this individualistic approach neglects media use’s broader social and cultural contexts.
- Lack of focus on power differential: UGT tends to overlook the role of power and inequality in shaping media use and access. Critics argue that UGT fails to account for how structural factors, such as race, class, and gender, influence media usage patterns (Quinn & Epstein, 2019)
- Potential overgeneralization: Some scholars have criticized UGT for overgeneralizing its findings and assuming that users’ motives and behaviors are consistent across different media types and contexts (Kubey & Csikszentmihalyi, 2013).
- Lack of focus on effects of media: UGT focuses primarily on the uses and gratifications that users derive from media but pays little attention to the potential effects that media use may have on individuals and society.
Uses and gratifications theory is a significant concept in communication studies, as it offers insight into the role of media in fulfilling the needs of individuals. It proposes that people actively consume specific media channels to satisfy their needs.
Through UGT, researchers have explored how individuals use media for entertainment, social interaction, information, emotional release, surveillance, escapism, education, persuasion, and a sense of belonging.
The theory has undergone several refinements and developments over the years, with researchers studying how different variables affect people’s media use.
Today, UGT remains an essential framework for analyzing the media’s role in people’s lives and is necessary for understanding the relationship between the media and its audiences.
➡️ References and Further Reading
Kasirye, F. (2022). The importance of needs in uses and gratification theory. Advance. https://doi.org/10.31124/advance.14681667.v2
Kubey, R. W., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2013). Television and the quality of life: How viewing shapes everyday experience. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Lai, P. C. (2023). Strategies and opportunities for technology in the metaverse world. IGI Global.
Littlejohn, S. W. (2021). Theories of human communication. Waveland Press.
Pedersen, P. M. (2017). Strategic sport communication. Human Kinetics.
Quinn, K., & Epstein, D. (2019). There is hope: Race, gender, and the uses and gratifications of social media. Race/Gender/Class/Media, 23–27. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781351630276-5 Swanson, D. L. (1977). The uses and misuses of uses and gratifications. Human Communication Research, 3(3), 214–221. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2958.1977.tb00519.x
Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]
Useful discussion about the theory, uses and gratification.
I appreciate the writing, thanks.