15 Random Assignment Examples

random assignment examples and definition, explained below

In research, random assignment refers to the process of randomly assigning research participants into groups (conditions) in order to minimize the influence of confounding variables or extraneous factors.

Ideally, through randomization, each research participant has an equal chance of ending up in either the control or treatment condition group.

For example, consider the following two groups under analysis. Under a model such as self-selection or snowball sampling, there may be a chance that the reds cluster themselves into one group (The reason for this would likely be that there is a confounding variable that the researchers have not controlled for):

a representation of a treatment condition showing 12 red people in the cohort

Reds = 12

a representation of a control condition showing 5 red people in the cohort

Reds = 5

To maximize the chances that the reds will be evenly split between groups, we could employ a random assignment method, which might produce the following more balanced outcome:

a representation of a treatment condition showing 4 red people in the cohort

Reds = 4

a representation of a control condition showing 5 red people in the cohort

Reds = 5

This process is considered a gold standard for experimental research and is generally expected of major studies that explore the effects of independent variables on dependent variables.

However, random assignment is not without its flaws – chief among them being the importance of a sufficiently sized sample which will allow for randomization to tend toward a mean (take, for example, the odds of 50/50 heads and tail after 100 coin flips being higher than 1/1 heads and tail after 2 coin flips). In fact, even in the above example where I randomized the colors, you can see that there are twice as many yellows in the treatment condition than the control condition, likely because of the low number of research participants.

Methods for Random Assignment of Participants

Randomly assigning research participants into controls is relatively easy. However, there is a range of ways to go about it, and each method has its own pros and cons.

For example, there are some strategies – like the matched-pair method – that can help you to control for confounds in interesting ways.

Here are some of the most common methods of random assignment, with explanations of when you might want to use each one:

1. Simple Random Assignment
This is the most basic form of random assignment. All participants are pooled together and then divided randomly into groups using an equivalent chance process such as flipping a coin, drawing names from a hat, or using a random number generator. This method is straightforward and ensures each participant has an equal chance of being assigned to any group (Jamison, 2019; Nestor & Schutt, 2018).

2. Block Randomization
In this method, the researcher divides the participants into “blocks” or batches of a pre-determined size, which is then randomized (Alferes, 2012). This technique ensures that the researcher will have evenly sized groups by the end of the randomization process. It’s especially useful in clinical trials where balanced and similar-sized groups are vital.

3. Stratified Random Assignment
In stratified random assignment, the researcher categorizes the participants based on key characteristics (such as gender, age, ethnicity) before the random allocation process begins. Each stratum is then subjected to simple random assignment. This method is beneficial when the researcher aims to ensure that the groups are balanced with regard to certain characteristics or variables (Rosenberger & Lachin, 2015).

4. Cluster Random Assignment
Here, pre-existing groups or clusters, such as schools, households, or communities, are randomly assigned to different conditions of a research study. It’s ideal when individual random assignment is not feasible, or when the treatment is naturally delivered at the group or community level (Blair, Coppock & Humphreys, 2023).

5. Matched-Pair Random Assignment
In this method, participants are first paired based on a particular characteristic or set of characteristics that are relevant to the research study, such as age, gender, or a specific health condition. Each pair is then split randomly into different research conditions or groups. This can help control for the influence of specific variables and increase the likelihood that the groups will be comparable, thereby increasing the validity of the results (Nestor & Schutt, 2018).

Random Assignment Examples

1. Pharmaceutical Efficacy Study
In this type of research, consider a scenario where a pharmaceutical company wishes to test the potency of two different versions of a medication, Medication A and Medication B. The researcher recruits a group of volunteers and randomly assigns them to receive either Medication A or Medication B. This method ensures that each participant has an equal chance of being given either option, mitigating potential bias from the investigator’s side. It’s an expectation, for example, for FDA approval pre-trials (Rosenberger & Lachin, 2015).

2. Educational Techniques Study
In this approach, an educator looking to evaluate a new teaching technique may randomly assign their students into two distinct classrooms. In one classroom, the new teaching technique will be implemented, while in the other, traditional methods will be utilized. The students’ performance will then be analyzed to determine if the new teaching strategy yields better results. To ensure the class cohorts are randomly assigned, we need to make sure there is no interference from parents, administrators, or others.

3. Website Usability Test
In this digital-oriented example, a web designer could be researching the most effective layout for a website. Participants would be randomly assigned to use websites with a different layout and their navigation and satisfaction would be subsequently measured. This technique helps identify which design is user-friendlier based on the measured outcomes.

4. Physical Fitness Research
For an investigator looking to evaluate the effectiveness of different exercise routines for weight loss, they could randomly assign participants to either a High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) or an endurance-based running program. By studying the participants’ weight changes across a specified time, a conclusion can be drawn on which exercise regime produces better weight loss results.

5. Environmental Psychology Study
In this illustration, imagine a psychologist wanting to understand how office settings influence employees’ productivity. He could randomly assign employees to work in one of two offices: one with windows and natural light, the other windowless. The psychologist would then measure their work output to gauge if the environmental conditions impact productivity.

6. Dietary Research Test
In this case, a dietician, striving to determine the efficacy of two diets on heart health, might randomly assign participants to adhere to either a Mediterranean diet or a low-fat diet. The dietician would then track cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and other heart health indicators over a determined period to discern which diet benefits heart health the most.

7. Mental Health Study
In examining the IMPACT (Improving Mood-Promoting Access to Collaborative Treatment) model, a mental health researcher could randomly assign patients to receive either standard depression treatment or the IMPACT model treatment. Here, the purpose is to cross-compare recovery rates to gauge the effectiveness of the IMPACT model against the standard treatment.

8. Marketing Research
A company intending to validate the effectiveness of different marketing strategies could randomly assign customers to receive either email marketing materials or social media marketing materials. Customer response and engagement rates would then be measured to evaluate which strategy is more beneficial and drives better engagement.

9. Sleep Study Research
Suppose a researcher wants to investigate the effects of different levels of screen time on sleep quality. The researcher may randomly assign participants to varying amounts of nightly screen time, then compare sleep quality metrics (such as total sleep time, sleep latency, and awakenings during the night).

10. Workplace Productivity Experiment
Let’s consider an HR professional who aims to evaluate the efficacy of open office and closed office layouts on employee productivity. She could randomly assign a group of employees to work in either environment and measure metrics such as work completed, attention to detail, and number of errors made to determine which office layout promotes higher productivity.

11. Child Development Study
Suppose a developmental psychologist wants to investigate the effect of different learning tools on children’s development. The psychologist could randomly assign children to use either digital learning tools or traditional physical learning tools, such as books, for a fixed period. Subsequently, their development and learning progression would be tracked to determine which tool fosters more effective learning.

12. Traffic Management Research
In an urban planning study, researchers could randomly assign streets to implement either traditional stop signs or roundabouts. The researchers, over a predetermined period, could then measure accident rates, traffic flow, and average travel times to identify which traffic management method is safer and more efficient.

13. Energy Consumption Study
In a research project comparing the effectiveness of various energy-saving strategies, residents could be randomly assigned to implement either energy-saving light bulbs or regular bulbs in their homes. After a specific duration, their energy consumption would be compared to evaluate which measure yields better energy conservation.

14. Product Testing Research
In a consumer goods case, a company looking to launch a new dishwashing detergent could randomly assign the new product or the existing best seller to a group of consumers. By analyzing their feedback on cleaning capabilities, scent, and product usage, the company can find out if the new detergent is an improvement over the existing one Nestor & Schutt, 2018.

15. Physical Therapy Research
A physical therapist might be interested in comparing the effectiveness of different treatment regimens for patients with lower back pain. They could randomly assign patients to undergo either manual therapy or exercise therapy for a set duration and later evaluate pain levels and mobility.


Random assignment is effective, but not infallible. Nevertheless, it does help us to achieve greater control over our experiments and minimize the chances that confounding variables are undermining the direct correlation between independent and dependent variables within a study. Over time, when a sufficient number of high-quality and well-designed studies are conducted, with sufficient sample sizes and sufficient generalizability, we can gain greater confidence in the causation between a treatment and its effects.

Read Next: Types of Research Design


Alferes, V. R. (2012). Methods of randomization in experimental design. Sage Publications.

Blair, G., Coppock, A., & Humphreys, M. (2023). Research Design in the Social Sciences: Declaration, Diagnosis, and Redesign. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.

Jamison, J. C. (2019). The entry of randomized assignment into the social sciences. Journal of Causal Inference, 7(1), 20170025.

Nestor, P. G., & Schutt, R. K. (2018). Research Methods in Psychology: Investigating Human Behavior. New York: SAGE Publications.

Rosenberger, W. F., & Lachin, J. M. (2015). Randomization in Clinical Trials: Theory and Practice. London: Wiley.

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Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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