10 Price Ceiling Examples (Plus Pros and Cons)

10 Price Ceiling Examples (Plus Pros and Cons)Reviewed by Chris Drew (PhD)

This article was peer-reviewed and edited by Chris Drew (PhD). The review process on Helpful Professor involves having a PhD level expert fact check, edit, and contribute to articles. Reviewers ensure all content reflects expert academic consensus and is backed up with reference to academic studies. Dr. Drew has published over 20 academic articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education and holds a PhD in Education from ACU.

price ceiling examples and definition

A price ceiling is an economic term that refers to a government-imposed restriction on how high the price of a good or service can be. It is used as a form of price control to protect consumers from price gouging or unfair pricing practices. 

For example, a government may impose a price ceiling on fuel prices to ensure people can afford it or place a cap on the rent that landlords can charge tenants.

Price ceilings are typically used in cases where the economic or financial market is malfunctioning. Such a situation may arise either because of inadequate supply, high demand, or an abnormally significant increase in the cost of a product or service.

Governments may impose these ceilings to make goods and services more accessible and affordable for their citizens, particularly those in lower-income households.

Price Ceiling Definition

A price ceiling is a government-imposed upper limit on the cost of a certain good or service. Price ceilings are designed to protect consumers from unfair pricing practices and price gouging (Galles, 1987)

According to Ritenour (2010), a price ceiling is a “form of price control governments often use in an attempt to thwart the negative consequences of monetary inflation” (p. 324).

Price ceilings are often used during economic difficulties, such as during a recession or when an essential service is in short supply. Generally, they are applied to necessities such as food, fuel, or medication when an event or emergency causes prices to rise rapidly (Huizinga, 1995).

Although price ceilings may make necessary items more affordable in the present, economists often question whether they will be effective over an extended period.

Some argue that price ceilings can create shortages, distort market signals and cause wage inflation.

Therefore, in simpler terms, a price ceiling refers to the maximum legal cost a seller is allowed to charge for an item or service.

10 Examples of Price Ceilings

  • Rent ceilings: Governments may impose rent ceilings on landlords to ensure tenants can afford their housing. Rent ceilings are more common in areas where housing is in short supply, and tenants may be vulnerable to price gouging.
  • Utility price ceilings: In some cases, governments may also place price ceilings on utilities, such as electricity or gas. Consequently, they want to ensure that these services remain affordable for all customers during financial hardship.
  • Prescription meds: To guarantee that all individuals, especially those of low-income backgrounds, can obtain medication even in the face of market economics and free pricing structures, the government has established a cap on certain medicines.
  • Food items: Governments can also enforce price ceilings on certain food items, such as milk, cheese, and eggs, to make staples more accessible for all.
  • Insurance premiums: Medical insurance companies set maximum limits on reimbursements to both doctors and patients for office visits, thus making it an industry with price ceilings. Consequently, these limit arrangements can reduce costs for the patient while ensuring that medical practitioners are compensated fairly.
  • Fuel price ceilings: Governments may also impose fuel price ceilings to prevent gas and oil companies from charging excessively high prices. This type of price control aims to make these essential energy sources more affordable for consumers.
  • Wartime pricing: During World War II, the government instituted wartime pricing to stave off inflation and keep prices low despite an imbalance between supply and demand. Many of these price ceilings were set below natural market prices to regulate consumer costs in times of scarcity.
  • Sin taxes: Governments are committed to curbing the consumption of harmful substances by implementing price ceilings. This strategy is designed to discourage people from developing addictions and minimize any potential health risks or other destructive effects associated with these substances.
  • Interest rates: Government-imposed interest rate ceilings are vital for protecting borrowers from predatory lenders and exorbitant rates. Furthermore, this price ceiling helps control the costs associated with consumer loans, ensuring that everyone has fair access to borrowing money.
  • Gasoline prices: In some areas, the government may impose a price ceiling on gasoline to prevent fuel companies from exploiting drivers. This type of economic protection helps ensure that essential goods and services remain accessible to all citizens.

Price Ceiling vs. Price Floor

Price ceilings and price floors are public regulations created to monitor the cost of services or goods in an economy. The former establishes the highest allowable charge for products or services, while the latter dictates the lowest possible price (Coyne, 2015).

Governments can set price ceilings to keep goods and services from becoming too expensive, thus preventing the marketplace from reaching a naturally established equilibrium. This economic practice allows for fair pricing in all markets.

In contrast, price floors guarantee that certain goods and services do not sell for lower than a predetermined amount (Coyne, 2015).

Such a regulation system can help sustain industries by providing them with the stability they need to thrive and ensuring workers receive fair remuneration.

The primary distinction between price ceiling and price floor is that the former method pertains to circumstances of market failure, such as when a monopoly exists, or prices are deemed unjust.

In contrast, the latter is frequently applied to avert vulnerable groups from poverty – for instance, low-income earners.

Economic Effects of Price Ceiling

The economic effects of price ceilings largely depend on the market they apply to. However, when implemented correctly, they can help stabilize prices and ensure fair wages for workers. 

Price ceilings can be quite advantageous for some groups of people, as they provide access to basic goods and services that may have been out of reach due to their lower income. This way, price ceilings equalize access to essential goods and services (Huizinga, 1995).

Besides, establishing price ceilings can help to maintain competitive market relations. When no single entity is allowed to charge more, smaller firms can remain competitive and prevent big companies from creating a monopoly.

Still, in some cases, price ceilings can also negatively affect the economy. For example, when prices are set too low, producers may not be able to cover their costs and will consequently struggle to stay in business (Coyne, 2015). 

The abovementioned situation can lead to reduced competition, decreased consumer choices, and even reduced quality of goods and services. 

Besides, when prices are kept artificially low, the demand for such goods and services may exceed the available supply. Such a situation can lead to shortages or queues at shops, which can be inconvenient for consumers. 

Advantages of Price Ceiling

Price ceilings can have several advantages, as they can help keep prices affordable, stimulate demand, promote competition, and guarantee fair wages for workers.

First, price ceilings can help keep prices low and make goods and services more affordable for lower-income people (Guénette, 2020). This economic practice helps protect vulnerable groups from poverty and ensures equal access to goods and services for everyone.

Second, when price ceilings are set correctly, they can spur demand by making products more attractive to buyers (Coyne, 2015). As a result, increased consumer demand may lead to greater production and economic growth.

Third, by limiting the maximum amount that companies can charge for their products, governments can help maintain competitive market relations and prevent monopolies from forming (Guénette, 2020). Thus, in such cases, fair competition among firms can be ensured.

Finally, price ceilings guarantee workers receive a fair wage for their labor and protect them from being underpaid. It is an important factor in helping sustain economic growth.

Disadvantages of Price Ceiling

When applied to the wrong market or set too low, price ceilings can disrupt supply and demand dynamics and lead to shortages, quality deterioration, and reduced competition.

First, setting a low price ceiling may be counter-productive as it can reduce incentives for producers to maintain quality or invest in innovation. 

Suppose a producer cannot make sufficient profits from selling their product (Guénette, 2020). In that case, they may not have the resources to improve it, leading to decreased quality and consumer dissatisfaction.

Second, when prices are set too low, producers may struggle to cover their costs and remain in business (Huizinga, 1995). Such a situation can lead to reduced competition and fewer choices for consumers, as fewer firms will be willing to produce or sell the good or service.

Third, setting a price ceiling that is too low may also lead to shortages, as higher demand for such goods and services may exceed the available supply (Guénette, 2020). Furthermore, such situations can result in long store queues and customer dissatisfaction. 

Finally, when prices are set too low, taxes may not be able to cover government expenses. As a result, it can lead to budget deficits and strain the country’s economy. 


Price ceilings are a powerful economic tool that can help keep prices affordable and stimulate demand.

By establishing a price ceiling, governments help keep prices within reach for those with lower incomes while also protecting consumers from unfair pricing practices.

For example, rent control is one of the most common forms of price ceilings. By introducing rent control, governments help keep housing affordable for low-income households and protect them from market volatility.

At the same time, price ceilings may lead to shortages, quality deterioration, budget deficits, and reduced competition in some cases.

Therefore, governments should carefully consider all the pros and cons of this economic policy before implementing it widely. 


Coyne, C. J. (2015). Flaws and ceilings price controls and the damage they cause. London Institute of Economic Affairs.

Galles, G. M. (1987). Price ceilings, opportunity costs, and the demand for related goods. Atlantic Economic Journal15(3), 73–74.

Guénette, J.-D. (2020). Price controls good intentions, bad outcomes. In World Bank. https://documents1.worldbank.org/curated/en/735161586781898890/pdf/Price-Controls-Good-Intentions-Bad-Outcomes.pdf

Huizinga, H. (1995). The political economy of price ceilings for necessities. Journal of Development Economics47(2), 443–454. https://doi.org/10.1016/0304-3878(95)00019-m

Ritenour, S. (2010). Foundations of economics: A Christian view. Wipf & Stock.

Viktoriya Sus

Viktoriya Sus (MA)

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Viktoriya Sus is an academic writer specializing mainly in economics and business from Ukraine. She holds a Master’s degree in International Business from Lviv National University and has more than 6 years of experience writing for different clients. Viktoriya is passionate about researching the latest trends in economics and business. However, she also loves to explore different topics such as psychology, philosophy, and more.

This article was peer-reviewed and edited by Chris Drew (PhD). The review process on Helpful Professor involves having a PhD level expert fact check, edit, and contribute to articles. Reviewers ensure all content reflects expert academic consensus and is backed up with reference to academic studies. Dr. Drew has published over 20 academic articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education and holds a PhD in Education from ACU.

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