Pavlovian Response: Definition and Examples

Pavlovian Response: Definition and ExamplesReviewed by Chris Drew (PhD)

This article was peer-reviewed and edited by Chris Drew (PhD). The review process on Helpful Professor involves having a PhD level expert fact check, edit, and contribute to articles. Reviewers ensure all content reflects expert academic consensus and is backed up with reference to academic studies. Dr. Drew has published over 20 academic articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education and holds a PhD in Education from ACU.

pavlovian response example and definition, explained below

Pavlovian response, also known as classical conditioning or respondent conditioning, is a type of learning process where an individual develops an involuntary response to a given stimulus. 

This form of learning was initially proposed by the Russian psychologist Ivan Pavlov in the early 1900s.

In this type of learning, an individual develops a certain behavior or reaction that occurs in response to a stimulus that has been associated with it prior. 

For instance, if someone regularly hears their alarm clock go off in the morning and eventually starts feeling drowsy when they hear it, this would be an example of a Pavlovian response. 

In this case, the stimulus (the sound of the alarm clock) has become associated with sleepiness due to its consistent pairing with waking up every morning.

So, this response can be seen as a form of learning that occurs when an individual’s behavior is modified by associating a stimulus with a reward or punishment. 

Definition of Pavlovian Response

A Pavlovian response (also known as a classical conditioning response) is a learned behavior or cognitive process acquired through repeated presentations of a stimulus paired with an unconditioned stimulus. 

During this process, the previously neutral conditioned stimulus will become associated with the unconditioned stimulus and elicit a reflexive response similar to the original unconditioned stimulus (Rehman et al., 2022).

According to Pavlov (1927),

“Pavlovian conditioning refers to the behavioral and physiological changes brought about by experiencing a predictive relationship between a neutral stimulus and a consequent biologically significant event” (Belin & Everitt, 2010, p. 572).

For example, if an individual repeatedly hears the sound of a bell before being exposed to an unpleasant noise, they may associate this sound with the unpleasant noise and respond in a similar manner when only hearing the bell. 

This type of learned behavior occurs naturally in humans and other animals alike and serves as an adaptive mechanism for survival (Rehman et al., 2022). 

It allows individuals to quickly recognize potentially beneficial environmental stimuli (e.g., noticing certain scents or sounds that indicate safety or danger) and respond accordingly.

Simply, this response occurs when an individual develops a certain behavior or reaction in response to a stimulus that has been associated with it previously. 

Examples of Pavlovian Response

  • Fear conditioning: When a neutral stimulus, like a tone or a light, is repeatedly paired with an aversive stimulus, such as a mild electric shock, it eventually elicits a fear response. It is commonly used in research on the neural basis of fear and anxiety.
  • Advertising and branding: Advertisements often pair a product with positive images or emotions, such as happiness, success, or attractiveness. Over time, consumers may associate the product with those positive feelings, increasing their likelihood of purchasing it.
  • Phobias: Some phobias can be acquired through classical conditioning. For example, if someone experiences a traumatic event, such as being bitten by a dog, they may develop an intense fear of dogs. Such a fear response can be generalized to other similar animals or situations.
  • Morning routine: The sound of an alarm clock can become associated with the process of waking up and starting the day. This association may cause someone to feel more alert and awake when they hear the alarm, even if they are not fully rested.
  • Appetitive conditioning: This type of conditioning involves pairing a neutral stimulus with a positive, rewarding outcome. For example, a trainer may use a clicker to train a dog by consistently pairing the sound of the click with a food reward. Eventually, the dog will learn to perform desired behaviors in response to the sound of the click alone.
  • Conditioned emotional responses: Certain songs, scents, or places can evoke strong emotional responses due to associations with past experiences. For example, the smell of a particular perfume may remind someone of a past romantic relationship, leading to feelings of nostalgia or sadness.
  • Athletic performance: Athletes might develop conditioned responses to specific cues or situations. A sprinter, for instance, might become conditioned to start running upon hearing the sound of a starting pistol. The sound of the gun (conditioned stimulus) becomes associated with the action of sprinting (conditioned response).
  • Taste aversion learning: Taste aversion learning is a response in which an individual learns to associate the taste of a particular food with an unpleasant experience, such as nausea or vomiting. This type of association typically forms rapidly following just one exposure and can be very difficult to unlearn.

Pavlov’s Dog Experiment

First noticed by Pavlov in 1897, classical conditioning can be demonstrated using the famous Pavlov’s Dog experiment. Pavlov used dogs as his subjects, having them salivate when food was presented to them (Adams, 2019).

Initially, Pavlov was studying the digestive systems of dogs, which led him to explore the concept of associative learning. He found that dogs would naturally salivate when presented with food, a response that did not require any learning. 

However, he noticed that dogs also began to salivate when exposed to neutral stimuli, like footsteps, associated with the food being brought to them.

This observation prompted Pavlov to design a controlled experiment to study this phenomenon further. First, he introduced a neutral stimulus, such as a bell or metronome, before giving the dogs food (Adams, 2019).

The food naturally triggered salivation, while the neutral stimulus (like the bell) initially had no connection with salivation.

Throughout the experiment, Pavlov would present the neutral stimulus (the bell) right before providing the food. Gradually, the dogs learned to associate the sound of the bell with the upcoming food. 

After several instances of pairing the bell with the food, the dogs began to salivate simply in response to the bell (Adams, 2019).

At this point, the bell had transformed into a conditioned stimulus, and the salivation in response to the bell became a conditioned response.

Pavlov’s experiment laid the foundation for the study of behaviorism, a psychological perspective that focuses on the role of environmental stimuli in shaping and controlling behavior. 

Main Components of Classical Conditioning Theory

The four main components of the classical conditioning theory are the conditioned stimulus (CS), the unconditioned stimulus (US), the conditioned response (CR), and the unconditioned response (UR) (Comer & Gould, 2011).

Here is a brief overview of key components used in Pavlov’s theory:

  • Unconditioned Stimulus (US): It refers to an already-existing or natural stimulus that triggers an automatic response from the individual even before any conditioning takes place. For example, food can be used as a US because it naturally induces salivation in animals without any prior conditions being met.
  • Conditioned Response (CR): This is the behavior learned by an individual due to classical conditioning linking two stimuli together. For example, if someone begins to feel anxious whenever they hear loud noises due to associating those sounds with pain during past experiences, they will have developed a conditioned response towards the noise.
  • Unconditioned Response (UR): This is an automatic reaction elicited by unconditioned stimuli without prior exposure or pairing between stimulus and response – for instance, salivating upon seeing food or breathing heavily after vigorous exercise.

So, classical conditioning involves pairing a neutral but repeatable stimulus with something that already produces an automatic response (Comer & Gould, 2011).

After repeatedly doing this over time, the neutral stimulus will eventually produce a similar reaction in an individual without having any inherent value.

Impact of Classical Conditioning Theory

Pavlov’s stimulus-response mechanism is one of the most influential concepts in psychology. It is used to understand and explain numerous phenomena, from fear, addiction, and social skills to learning processes and behavior modification therapy

Showing how people can associate stimuli with certain responses, has helped psychologists understand why humans form certain biases or expectations about particular people or situations without knowing any specific facts about them.

Pavlov’s research also laid the foundations for operant conditioning – which suggests that when behaviors are rewarded, they become more likely to be repeated, and when behaviors are punished (e.g. by positive punishment), they become less likely to occur again (Clark, 2004).

This idea explains why positive reinforcement often encourages desirable behaviors such as good grades in children or obedience in pets (Boakes, 2003).

It not only gives an insight into how people behave according to their environment but also furthers one’s understanding of how humans store information and make predictions based on their past experiences.

Criticisms of Pavlov

Despite the successes of the Pavlovian behavioral theory, numerous scientists criticize it due to its oversimplicity, failure to account for complex behavior, and lack of individual differences.

Firstly, some argue that classical conditioning is too simplistic and does not explain how more humans learn complex concepts (Brain, 2000).

Critics have argued against the theory’s ability to accurately represent animal behavior due to its focus on simple processes such as reflexes rather than higher-level functions like emotions or memories which animals possess.

Furthermore, some scholars do not believe that the duration of an unconditioned response remains the same across different kinds of associations, meaning that multiple trials may be necessary over a longer period for effective learning to take place. 

Additionally, the notion of extinction – when an association between two stimuli weakens over time – is heavily debated, as some believe it occurs too quickly or inconsistently, depending on the context (Eelen, 2018).


Pavlovian response, or classical conditioning, is a fundamental learning process that has significantly impacted the field of psychology. 

This form of learning, discovered by Ivan Pavlov through his famous dog experiment, demonstrates how individuals can develop involuntary responses to stimuli through repeated associations. 

Pavlovian conditioning has not only laid the groundwork for behaviorism, but it also plays a crucial role in understanding learning theories, therapeutic techniques, and marketing strategies. 

Although the theory has its critics and limitations, it remains an essential component in comprehending human behavior and learning processes, shaping the landscape of psychological research for over a century.


Adams, M. (2019). The kingdom of dogs: Understanding Pavlov’s experiments as human–animal relationships. Theory & Psychology30(1), 121–141.

Belin, D., & Everitt, B. J. (2010). Chapter 33 – drug addiction: The neural and psychological basis of a compulsive incentive habit. In H. Steiner & K. Y. Tseng (Eds.), ScienceDirect (Vol. 20, pp. 571–592). Elsevier.

Boakes, R. A. (2003). The impact of pavlov on the psychology of learning in english-speaking countries. The Spanish Journal of Psychology6(2), 93–98.

Brain, C. (2000). Advanced subsidiary psychology: Approaches and methods. Nelson Thornes.

Clark, R. E. (2004). The classical origins of Pavlov’s conditioning. Integrative Physiological & Behavioral Science39(4), 279–294.

Comer, R. J., & Gould, E. (2011). Psychology around us. Wiley.

Eelen, P. (2018). Classical conditioning: Classical yet modern. Psychologica Belgica58(1), 196–211.

Rehman, I., Mahabadi, N., & Rehman, C. I. (2022, August 22). Classical conditioning. NIH; StatPearls Publishing.

Viktoriya Sus

Viktoriya Sus (MA)

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Viktoriya Sus is an academic writer specializing mainly in economics and business from Ukraine. She holds a Master’s degree in International Business from Lviv National University and has more than 6 years of experience writing for different clients. Viktoriya is passionate about researching the latest trends in economics and business. However, she also loves to explore different topics such as psychology, philosophy, and more.

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This article was peer-reviewed and edited by Chris Drew (PhD). The review process on Helpful Professor involves having a PhD level expert fact check, edit, and contribute to articles. Reviewers ensure all content reflects expert academic consensus and is backed up with reference to academic studies. Dr. Drew has published over 20 academic articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education and holds a PhD in Education from ACU.

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