21 Free Online Drinking Games for College Students

Here are some fun drinking games you can do with your friends for free online. These drinking games are great for a night when you’re away from your friends but want to Skype them and have some tipsy fun.

It’s also great if you’re pre-drinking separately but are going out to the pub or club together later on. Don’t forget, though: these drinking games are only for people legally allowed to drink!

10 best online drinking games for college students

Best Virtual Drinking Games

1. Psych!

Psych! is an awesome virtual game you can get on your phone where you try to outwit your friends. It’s from the makers of the crazily addictive game “heads up” and is just as fun! The app presents multiple-choice questions. But, you get to place false answers among the ‘real’ answers to try to trick your friends into selecting the wrong answer. It’s a multiplayer app where you invite your friends to join the app. Then, select a category or create your own. The game will walk you through each and every step. If you guess the wrong answer, you drink!

2. Drinking Watch Party

Watch parties are basically ‘parties’ where you and your friends all watch the same television show or movie simultaneously. Both Facebook and Netflix have this ability. So gather your friends together to watch an old classic and make some fun out of it. Once you’ve started the watch party, set yourselves rules like: “drink every time there’s a kiss”, “drink every time there’s a joke”, or “drink every time someone speaks Spanish”. Your rules can also include telling people to drink when a character says one of their famous sayings, such as drinking whenever Bart Simpson says “Don’t have a cow, man!”

3. Screen-Share Pictionary

Pictionary is a game where everyone gets into teams and one team member draws a picture and the rest of the team members have to guess what you’re drawing. To turn it into an online game, use the screenshare function on Skype. Here are the rules. First, get everyone together on a Skype chat. Then, separate yourselves into two teams. The first player on Team 1 chooses something to draw from a pictionary words lists. This player shares their screen on Skype (see instructions) and opens up Microsoft Paint. The player has 90 seconds to draw their picture while their team guesses. If your team guesses the picture in time, the other team drinks. If your team doesn’t guess the picture, you drink! Take turns until everyone has had a go at drawing … or until one of you is too drunk to continue!

4. Wheel Decide (King’s Cup)

Use the Wheel Decide Drinking Game and compete with each other over Skype, Facetime or Zoom. This is best played over video hook-up so you can monitor each other and make sure each other drinks! This game is inspired by King’s Cup. The wheel will stop and provide instructions like: “You Drink”, “Give a Drink”, “Girls Drink”, “Date/Mate” (The spinner chooses another partner to drink with. This pair must drink together any time one or the other must drink), and “Thumb Master” (The spinner is now the Thumb Master. At any one time during the game, the Thumb Master may give their screen a thumbs up. Everyone must put their thumb on the table. The last one to put their thumb on the table drinks.)

5. Drink and Tell

The Drink and Tell app is an awesome virtual drinking game. While it’s designed for drinking face-to-face, it’s a really easy one to translate to Skype drinking chat. There isn’t any physical interaction involved so you should be good to go for a virtual chat. The game involves selecting a category, then guessing ]multi-choice answers on their phone. Everyone has to guess what they will answer. Then, they reveals their answer. Everyone who guessed wrong has to take a sip.

6. Drunk Pirate

Drunk Pirate (https://drunkpirate.co.uk/) is a very simple free online drinking game that auto-generates instructions for group game play. Simply click the screen for it to generate a new flip card with instructions on it. Instructions for drunk pirate are simple, like: “The player showing the most skin must drink” and “Guys take a sip”. However, despite being promoted as an ‘online game’, drunk pirate is designed for you to play with people who are in the same room as you. Drunk pirate has instructions like: “Swap seats with one other player.” Clearly, this free online drinking game is just an automation of a flipcard drinking game rather than designed for virtual drinking! So, drunk pirate is not my favorite but still decent.

7. Evil Apples

Evil Apples is basically Cards Against Humanity, but on an app. (But the questions are all pretty tame compared to Cards Against Humanity). Being app based, players can play this at a distance. You type your answer on your phone, then the game collates the answers and send them to the judge who chooses their favorite answer card. First, every player is given a prompt statement with a fill-in-the-blank. Then, each player fills in the blank with their favorite, wittiest comment. Lastly, the player assigned as the ‘judge’ for the round chooses their favorite witty comment. To turn this into a drinking game, the player whose witty comment is selected drinks!

8. Words with Friends

Words with friends is another non-drinking game that can be converted into a virtual online drinking game easily. It’s basically scrabble on a smart phone. You take turns to place a word on the board. Just like in scrabble, you get points for how good the word is and whether you were able to place it on sections of the board that provide bonus points. To turn this into an online drinking game, you simply need to make the player who gets the least points per turn to take a sip. If you’re no good at word games, you’ll get tipsy pretty fast!

9. ‘Buzz’ via Skype

The game of Buzz has the following rules (via Skype). First, get each team member onto Skype. Then sort yourselves into a pre-approved order: know who goes before you and who goes after you. Next, you go around in a circle – as fast as you can – counting up from 1, 2, 3, 4, … etc. Players have to remember to skip the numbers 7, 10 and their multiples (7, 14, 20, 21, 28, 30, etc. etc.). If it’s your turn and you get on one of those ‘special’ numbers, you have to replace that number with the word ‘Buzz’. If you accidentally say one of the assigned numbers instead of ‘Buzz’, you take a drink!

10. Two Truths and a Lie

Two Truths and a Lie is another simple virtual drinking game that can be played over Skype or even a messenger chat. Here’s how to do it. First, everyone gets a turn to say two true things and one untrue thing about themselves. The other players have to collaborate to try to guess which point is a lie. If they guess correctly, you take a sip. If you fool them, they take a sip. (To play a harder version, the other players get to ask 2 questions about each statement to pry and get more information about each of the three statements you made.)

11. Never Have I Ever

Never have I ever is a game just about everyone’s played: everyone sits around and takes turns saying “Never have I ever…” and then something like “…drunk a bottle of wine by myself.” And everyone who has done it, has to take a sip. With this game, there’s no physical contact so it’s perfect to play over a Skype or Zoom call. You can get some question ideas here.

12. Power Hour

Power hour is a pretty extreme drinking game. Only play it if you’re truly ready for a drinking challenge. And ready to get drunk. This game requires you to take 60 sips of your drink for 60 minutes. One sip a minute. To keep track of yourselves, you can use this power hour timer. With that timer, you can also list all players and it picks someone randomly from the list to drink double every few minutes. Beware … this game is not for the light hearted. 

13. Red or Black

Red or black is the simplest drinking game of all time. Simply pick a card. If it’s red, guys drink. If it’s black, girls drink. Be warned: this is a game where you get drunk fast. There are a few free apps out there for this game, like this one for android. That one also lets you dissect it by suits as well to make the game last a little longer (aka so you don’t get drunk as fast).

14. Trivia

I played virtual trivia the other day for my friend in England’s birthday! It was super easy. Everyone came up with a ‘Trivia Alias’ (e.g. Trivia Newton John) and we all played on our own team. The guy whose birthday it was led the trivia through 4 rounds (including one that was all about ‘Who knows Mark the best’ … which I lost). To get trivia ideas and categories, see here.

15. Heads Up!

Heads Up! is a simple virtual game where you hold a word up to your forehead (you don’t know the word) and everyone has to help you guess it. There’s an app for it here. You’ll have to make some adjustments, like turning off the option to see your own face in the Skype call so you can’t see the word you’re holding up to the camera. To make it a drinking game, simply make them sip if they didn’t guess the word within the allotted time period. You get drunk fast.

16. Stop!

In this game you get assigned a random letter and have to think of something that starts with that letter for 5 different categories. Say you are assigned the letter ‘M’. The game will give you five categories like: Languages, Animals, Canadian Cities, Largest Cities in Europe and Broadway Musicals. You have 30 seconds to find something starting with M that fits into each category. This is a game that doesn’t need to be played while live chatting, but to make it a fun social event, play while on Skype and make the person who loses each round take a shot.

17. Quick Draw

Quick Draw is a game hosted on the House Party network. It’s basically Pictionary, but for your phone. So you don’t have to do the screenshare option I suggested earlier for this one. Instead, everyone simply needs to download the app. You can call each other from within the game, and it’s all set up to be streamlined so it’s a nice simple platform for a free online drinking game. Of course, drink if you lose!

18. Battleship

Battleship is the game where you have to try to ‘bomb’ opponents’ ships. But first you have to find the ship on a grid by bombing random locations until you get a hit. Once you’ve got a hit, you can see where the rest of the ship. Bomb the whole ship along all its grid coordinates to sink it. There’s a free online version that you can play either against your friends or random opponents.

19. Cup Pong

This is sure to help you get drunk. Everyone’s played beer pong at a college party before. Well, this is the online version of beer pong! Download it onto your phone and compete against friends. Virtually flick a ball into the cup to make your friend drink. Quick, simple, and obviously adjustable to become a fast simple drinking game that reminds you of the days you could play beer pong for real.

20. Truth or Shots

Truth or shots is like truth or dare – but instead of doing something stupid, you take a shot! (Okay, maybe that’s stupid too). The great thing about this game is you just need a Skype hook-up. Take it in turns to ask one another questions, and if they’re not willing to tell the truth about it, they take a shot!

21. Most Likely To

‘Most likely To’ is like drunk pirate – but better. It’s another simple free online drinking game that doesn’t require anything but a video call hook-up. Everyone takes it in turns to say “The person most likely to…” and finish the sentence with something like “…end up in prison” or “…become president”. Everyone gets a vote, and the person with the most votes has to drink.


When you’re separated from your friends, there’s no reason for you not to stop partying! Plus, who wants to play drinking games alone? Get on the video chat and get drinking socially with games like drunk pirate! Hopefully these ideas have got your mind turning, and good luck with your virtual group party! And don’t forget – drink responsibly and legally.

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Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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