25 Loyalty Examples

loyalty examples and definition, explained below

A loyal person is someone who expresses strong allegiance and support to a person or institution.

The most common and deep form of loyalty is the type of devotion that comes from love. When you’re in love, you often feel a sense of responsibility to your partner and want to do the right thing by them at all times.

But you can also be loyal to an institution such as your country or your favorite sports team.

Below are some common examples of loyalty.

Loyalty Examples

1. A dog who sticks by its owner all the time and admires him.

2. A person who always defends their family and speaks well of them at all times.

3. An employee who sticks with a company for a long time and feels an allegiance to them.

4. A middle manager who sticks up for their staff in board meetings.

5. A friend who refuses to share their friends’ secrets that were told them in confidence.

6. A married couple who stay faithful to one another throughout their relationship.

7. A soldier who fights for their country out of patriotism.

8. A husband who cares for his wife through an illness.

9. A customer who will continue to purchase goods from a small business every week to support them.

10. A partner who will support their significant other through hard times.

11. A CEO who takes a pay cut instead of laying off her employees.

12. A sister who stays by her brother’s side when his car breaks down instead of proceeding to the party.

13. A voter who votes for their friend who is running for office, even if they don’t 100% agree with all their ideas.

14. A son who refuses to testify against his father in court because it could harm his dad.

15. A person who always remembers a favor someone did for them and will always say good things about them whenever they can.

16. A politician pledges loyalty to a president and, as a result, always votes to pass the president’s agenda through the parliament.

17. A knight pledges loyalty to his king and will fight for the king’s army.

18. A restaurant continues to reserve a seat for a regular customer because they appreciate the customer’s patronage and big tips!

19. A family goes to the same doctor for all of their children over the span of a decade because they trust the doctor and appreciate his bedside manner.

20. A sports fan who goes to games and supports their team even when the team is in a rut and losing regularly.

21. A sports player who chooses to play for his home city because he loves them, even if he could make money playing for another team.

22. A businessperson who reinvests their money into building up their local town or home country out of love and dedication for it.

23. Standing by your friends even when they have done something that disgraced them because you believe in them and believe they are a good person deep down.

24. Speaking in defense of your hometown when others disparage it because you love where you come from.

25. Continuing to donate money to your university once you are an alumnus because you will always appreciate what they did for you early in your life.

Customer Loyalty Examples

Brands often attempt to cultivate customer loyalty in order to increase the lifetime value of the customer.

If you can get a customer to feel loyalty to your brand, then your customer acquisition costs will go down. Customers will be more valuable, but they will also likely spread the word about your company.

Here are some examples of customer loyalty:

  1. Product Quality Loyalty: A customer who continues to purchase from a brand due to perceived quality of the brand.
  2. Return Customer Discounts: Many companies offer customer loyalty plans that involve discounts. For example, a cafe may give you your 10th coffee for free.
  3. Brand Identity Loyalty: Many people will continue to purchase a brand because the brand has cultivated a valuable identity that confers the user with social status. For example, 
  4. Values Alignment: Many customers will also return to a company because the company’s values match those of the customer. For example, customers often return to the Patagonia clothing brand because they have both high-quality products and a strong commitment to environmental protection.

Despite the above conceptions of ‘customer loyalty’, this is a very shallow type of loyalty. It’s transactional, meaning if another company sells themselves better, then the other company can steal the customer and their loyalty!

Types of Loyalty

  • Transactional Loyalty: This occurs when loyalty is given in exchange for something. For example, a politician may give loyalty to a president in exchange for a prestigious position in the government. Similarly, loyalty may be given in exchange for money.
  • Values Loyalty: You remain loyal to someone or something if their values are aligned with yours. For example, you’ll continue to vote for a political party so long as their values back up your values.
  • Emotional Loyalty: You are loyal to someone because you have an emotional connection to them. We might also call this ‘empathetic loyalty’ and is the type that we usually experience when we’re in love.
  • Behavioral Loyalty: Loyalty is offered in exchange for certain behaviors. For example, a company may give special discounts to certain customers who purchase in bulk. This is a subset of transactional loyalty.
  • Advocacy Loyalty: Loyalty is given to people who advocate for a brand. For example, a president may be loyal to people if those people say good things about the president on television.

How to Be Loyal

1. Never Say Bad Things Behind Someone’s Back

One of the hallmarks of loyal people is that they remain dedicated to their friends and family even when the friends and family aren’t there to hear.

For example, if someone says something bad about your friend, you might stick up for them even if they’re not there to hear it. You might defend their perspective or tell others to stop being mean behind your friends’ backs.

If you’re caught saying something mean about someone who’s supposed to be your friend, then you may lose that friend! You’re not truly loyal unless you stick by them even when they don’t know it.

2. Be Empathetic

Deep loyalty comes from empathy for others. This is why we’re so loyal to family members and old friends.

For example, if your friend is being treated poorly by others, you’re likely going to stand up for them out of empathy for your friend. You don’t like seeing them sad or in distress. So, you speak up for them.

Here, your devotion to your friends comes from deep compassion for your friend. You know this person and have seen them in their most vulnerable, so you have a special connection to them. It’s this special connection where the loyalty comes from.

3. Actively Support Someone

Loyal people demonstrate it through action. Otherwise, it doesn’t mean much.

If you’re loyal to a brand, you’ll go back and keep purchasing for them. Similarly, if you’re loyal to a sports franchise, you’ll go to as many games as you can and root for them. You might even buy their merchandise to show your support.

With friends and family, you might stand behind them and root for them if they start a new business or give a big public speech. You’re there to show them that you support them as they pursue their dreams.

It’s also relevant when friends are sick or in hard times. You might go to visit them regularly because you want to show them that you’re there for them through good times and bad. 


Loyalty is one of the most admirable of all traits. It will win you lots of friends and respect. But be careful about who you put your support behind. You don’t want to have allegiance to people or institutions whose values are not consistent with your own. But once you’ve found people or institutions worthy of your allegiance, active demonstrations of your support both when they see it and when they don’t will win you allegiance in return.

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Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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