Best Education Slogan Ideas
# | Category | Slogan |
1. | Learning Excellence | Education is a commitment to excellence in Teaching and Learning. |
2. | School Pride | Education in continuing a proud tradition. |
3. | Community | Education is about an exemplary learning community. |
4. | Diversity | Education is about academic excellence and cultural diversity. |
5. | Inclusion | Education is about helping students with learning differences. |
6. | High School | Education is about preparing students for college and beyond. |
7. | University and College | Education is about creating leaders for tomorrow. |
8. | Christian | Education is about forming faithful disciples of Jesus. |
9. | Preschool | School is a place to grow. |
Education slogans, mottos and taglines are the first impression you give about your school.
The slogan you choose will tell people what you represent and what you find most important about education.
Things you might value at your school include:
- Diversity;
- Your football team;
- Your faith;
- The learning philosophy;
- Your community;
- The future;
- Tradition; or
- Anything you think is important to your community!
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How to Create a School Slogan
Some things to think about when creating a slogan include:
Your Tradition and Heritage:
Does your school have a strong tradition of excellence? You might want to choose a Latin motto or use words like ‘traditional’ or ‘heritage’ in your slogan. You could also use the date the school was established to highlight your longevity and prestige.
The Future:
You could talk about how your school is modern and looking towards the future. Use terms like ‘21st Century’, ‘Future’, ‘Progressive Education’, ‘Moving Forward’ and ‘Agile’ to highlight your school’s modern credentials.
Many schools use the term ‘excellence’ to highlight the school’s ambitions to help everyone achieve their best.
Schools in multicultural areas tend to highlight that diversity is their strength in their school slogans.
If your school has a religious perspective, consider using quotes from your religious texts or using words like ‘Christ’, ‘Faith’ and ‘Truth’ in your slogan.
Educational Philosophy:
If your school follows an educational philosophy like Montessori, Steiner, Froebel, Forest Schools or Reggio Emilia, consider using a quote from the founder of the philosophy.
Most Popular Words in School Mottos
The below word cloud shows popular words from the 261+ School mottos and education slogans that are listed in this post:

Excellent Education Slogans, Mottos and Taglines
The following is a list of popular school and teaching slogans. Popular words in this list include ‘Excellence’, ‘Leadership’, ‘Dream’, ‘Inspire’, ‘Lead’ and Diversity’:
- A better learning future starts here.
- A Classical Education for the Future.
- A Holistic School.
- A Journey to Excellence.
- A modern, global school for a modern, global academic experience.
- A place where students can achieve.
- A revolutionary way to educate.
- A school for life.
- A school for the world.
- A school of excellence.
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- A school of thought.
- A success-oriented learning environment.
- Academic Excellence and Cultural Diversity.
- Academic excellence. Educational Innovation. Social Justice.
- Advancing human understanding.
- Aim for Excellence.
- All things possible. (St Mark’s)
- An education for life.
- An education that lasts a lifetime.
- An excellent foundation for future success.
21 – 30:
- An exemplary learning community.
- Excel. Lead.
- Be extraordinary.
- Be known.
- Be the best you can be.
- Be yourself, be anything.
- Build. Become. (Davidson Academy)
- Become ready.
- Believe Bigger. Aim Higher.
- Achieve. Lead.
31 – 40:
- Beyond the limit.
- Brave for others, brave for self.
- Building a community for our families and students.
- Building independent and creative thinkers, with purpose.
- Caring and compassionate.
- Changing lives and giving choices.
- Changing lives, one student at a time.
- Community. Excellence.
- Scholarship. Excellence.
- Committed to excellence in Teaching and Learning.
41 – 50:
- Committed to Excellence.
- Learn. Together.
- Confident people shining.
- Continuing a proud tradition.
- Creating a community of diverse learners.
- Creating Successful Adults, One Child at a Time
- Dare to be True.
- Developing the creative innovators of tomorrow.
- Discover your best.
- Realize. Honor. Shape.
School Pride Slogans
51 – 60:
- Diverse, Student-Centered, Engaging.
- Do what you love.
- Dream big. Do right.
- Dream bigger every day.
- Educating our children in the richness of their past, the diversity of their present and the possibilities for their future.
- Educating students with learning differences.
- Education that inspires.
- Education towards freedom. (The Vancouver Waldorf School)
- Education you can believe in!
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- Empathy, courage and clarity.
- Enabling young adults.
- Engaging hearts, equipping minds.
- Engaging the Culture, Changing the World (Seattle Pacific University)
- Equipping children for life.
- Excellence – Respect – Learning (The Fernie Academy)
- Excellence in Education.
- Equity. Engagement. Enrichment. (Berkeley Public Schools)
- Exceptional Academics, Outstanding Athletics, Unparalleled Arts, Authentic Relationships.
- Exceptional foundation. Remarkable life.
71 – 80:
- Expect more.
- Experience the Difference.
- Find your difference.
- Find your own greatness.
- For a better tomorrow.
- For creative learning.
- Good things are happening here.
- Good will to all. Animosity to none.
- Greatness starts here! (Torah Day School of Dallas).
- Have a go.
81 – 90:
- Helping children soar.
- Ignite Curious Minds. Awaken Generous Hearts. Engage a Changing World. (The Berkeley School)
- Ignites young minds.
- Igniting a brighter future.
- Dream. Achieve.
- Equipped. Engaged.
- Inspiring innovation since 1928.
- Inspiring Students with Distinction (Archmere Academy)
- Authenticity. Curiosity.
- It’s different here.
91 – 100:
- Joyful learning.
- Knowledge, Spirit and Service.
- Create. Inspire.
- Leaders are made, not born.
- Leaders grow here.
- Learn with passion to live with purpose.
- Learning for Life.
- Learning is empowerment.
- Learning to lead.
- Learning to soar.
101 – 110:
- Learning together, we achieve great things. (St Andrew’s)
- Life Ready.
- Light to the city.
- Looking to the Future with Hope.
- Love One Another.
- Learning. Peace.
- Making a difference for our future. (Meadowside Primary School)
- Making learning happen.
- Making the difference.
- Men and women for others.
111 – 120:
- Mighty in spirit.
- Character. Community.
- Prepare. Succeed.
- No talent lies latent.
- None shall set aside another. None shall let another fall.
- Not every classroom has four walls.
- Not for Self, but for Service.
- Opportunity, Innovation, Success.
- Opportunity, Responsibility, Excellence (The Cherwell School)
- Our diversity is our strength.
121 – 130:
- Our school rocks!
- Our school, my future.
- Courage. Curiosity.
- Pathway to excellence.
- Personal excellence in a caring environment.
- Personal Focus. Global Perspective.
- Planting the good seed in our future leaders.
- Prepared for success.
- Preparing responsible citizens and effective leaders.
- Multilingual. Independent.
131 – 140:
- Promoting Wisdom, Strength & Personal Excellence.
- Pursuing the remarkable.
- Reach higher. See further. Shine Brighter.
- Reach your potential.
- Rise to the challenge.
- Safe Respectful Learners.
- Shaping the future one student at a time.
- Small classes, big community.
- So Many Reasons to be Proud. (Burnaby Schools)
- Sparking curiosity.
141 – 150:
- Strength through Knowledge.
- Strength to do Right.
- Strive to Achieve.
- Strive to Be Better.
- Striving for Excellence. (Colo High School)
- Strong self. Shared success.
- Success for everyone.
- Success through endeavor.
- Success with Honour.
- Teaching the World. (International School of Boston)
151 – 160:
- Tenacious and resilient.
- The child is the focus of everything we do.
- The key to academic excellence.
- The place to be.
- The voice of tomorrow.
- The way you learn best.
- Together as a school community.
- Together we can.
- Traditional values. A modern, individualised education.
- Transformative education for those who learn differently.
161 – 170:
- Loyalty. Honor.
- Two languages, many cultures, infinite possibilities.
- Uncommon Excellence of Thought and Character in a Vibrant School Community.
- Unlocking the potential. (Pilot School)
- We are all one.
- We are pioneers.
- We challenge young minds.
- We Learn. We Achieve. We Care.
- We prepare students for college and beyond.
- We prepare students to engage in the world that is and to help bring about a world that ought to be. (Friends Seminary NYC)
171 – 180:
- Welcoming everyone in an experience that’s more than an education. (Highland Catholic School)
- Where good becomes great.
- Wisdom and Virtue.
- Working together to be the best we can be.
- You belong here.
- You can. You will.
- Your story begins here.
Religious School Slogans and Mottos
The following is a list of education slogans and mottos from schools that are religious. These schools use words like ‘Faith’, Truth’ and ‘Spirit’. Several also use quotes from religious texts:
178 – 187:
- “Examine Everything Carefully, Hold Fast to That which is Good.” – (Thessalonians 5:21) (Island Christian Academy)
- “Guide us to the straight path” – (Quran: Surat Al-Fātiĥah 1:6)
- “Train up children in the way they should go so they won’t depart from the Lord even when they are old.” – Proverbs 22:6
- A Christian alternative.
- A disciple making academy.
- A distinctive Christian education. (Fairwinds Christian School)
- Building confidence, intellectual growth and spiritual strength. (Good Pasture Christian School)
- Called to bring peace.
- Catholic Roots. Worldly Wings. (St John School)
- Christ my Light.
188 – 197:
- Christ-Centered Academic Excellence.
- Christ-centered in everything we do.
- Educating through Christ to Learn and to Serve.
- Ensuring the Jewish future one child at a time.
- EQUIP for life + ENCOURAGE in discipleship + ENGAGE in service. (St John’s)
- Equipping Students To Serve Their Lord.
- Faith, Family, Future.
- Community. Justice. Respect.
- Forming Faithful Disciples of Jesus.
- God in all Things.
198 – 207:
- Growing Innovative Leaders Guided by Catholic Values. (Christ the King Catholic School)
- In all things Glorify God.
- In search of Truth.
- Lead for the Kingdom.
- Learn Torah, Love Torah, Live Torah. (Politz Hebrew Academy)
- Modeling Christ, Cultivating Success.
- My Utmost for His Glory.
- Nurturing the spirit.
- Preparing Youth for Here and Eternity.
- Seek Christ.
208 – 217:
- Seeking Truth Always.
- Shaping Lives for Eternity through Biblical Truth and Academic Excellence
- Sound academics, solid faith.
- Teaching and living the life of Christ.
- The Torah front and Center.
- To inspire and empower students to live as people of God.
- Training good soldiers for Jesus Christ! – (2 Timothy 2:3)
- Where Christ reigns supreme.
Preschool Slogans and Mottos
The following is a list of education slogans and mottos for preschools. These slogans tend to emphasize ‘Nurturing’, ‘Wholeness’ and ‘Growth’.
216 – 230:
- “The child’s creative energy requires a loving and understanding response.” – Dr. Maria Montessori
- A not for profit community-based preschool.
- A place to grow.
- A garden of discovery.
- Building tomorrow’s future.
- Educating for wholeness.
- Educating the Whole Child.
- Great things come from a small package.
- Growing Together to Create Lifelong Learners.
- Learning through discovery.
- Live, Love, Learn, and Be Happy.
- Offering an organic education since 1972
- Opening doors to exciting learning, the wider world, and a fulfilled future.
- The advantage that lasts a lifetime.
- The joy of discovery.
Latin Mottos and Slogans for your School
Latin mottos can help give your school prestige and show that you value tradition. Latin mottos are very popular with elite and religious schools. Popular concepts from these Latin mottos include ‘Truth’, ‘Virtue’, ‘Faith’ and ‘Honor’.
231 – 240:
- Ad Dictum et Operam (Latin: And it came to attention.)
- ad futura cum spe (Latin: “Looking to the Future with Hope”)
- Ad Meliora (Latin: “To Better Things”)
- Ad Omnia Paratus (Latin: Prepared for all Things).
- Alta Petens (Latin: “Seeking New Heights”)
- Cor ad Cor loquitur (Latin: ‘Heart speaks to Heart’)
- cruci dum spiro fido (Latin: While I live I trust in the Cross).
- Deus Dux Doctrina Lux (Latin: God is our leader, learning is our light)
- Domine dirige nos (Latin: Lord direct us)
- Estote Fideles (Latin: “Be faithful”)
241 – 253:
- Fides et Scientia. (Latin: “Faith and Knowledge”) (Roman Catholic High School)
- Garde Ta Foy (Old French: Guard the Faith)
- In Nomine Domini (Latin: In the name of the Lord).
- Labore et Virtute (Latin: “By struggle and courage”)
- Libertas in Veritate (Latin: “Freedom in Truth”)
- Magna est veritas et prævalebit (Latin: “Great is the truth and it will prevail.”)
- Omnia Praeclara tam Difficilia, Quam Rara Sunt.” (Latin: “But all things excellent are as difficult as they are rare”)
- Pro Christo et Regno Ejus (Latin: “For Christ and His Kingdom.”)
- Progredimini Confidenter (Latin: “Go Forth with Confidence”) (West Point Grey Academy)
- Recte et Fideliter (Latin: Truth and fidelity)
- Scientia Pietate (Latin: “By knowledge, by dutifulness”)
- Sine Timore aut Favore (Latin: “Without fear of favor).
- Unique et Aeterna (Latin: “Unique and Eternal”)
- Veritatem Facientes in Caritate (Latin: “The Truth in Love”)
Slogans and Mottos for Boys’ and Girls’ Schools
Schools just for boys or girls often discuss the gender in their slogans. Here are some examples:
254 – 263:
- A Modern Academy for Girls.
- Believe in Girls.
- Developing men of character.
- Educating Boys – Transforming Lives.
- Educating young women sprit, mind and body.
- Empowering Tomorrow’s Women.
- Shaping the men of the future.
- The female leaders of tomorrow.
- Where boys belong.

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Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]