28 Cohesion Examples

cohesion examples and definition, explained below

Cohesion refers to the unity of multiple things. If those things are cohesive, they fit and work well together, making sense as a unified whole.

We can use this term to refer to the unity of people within a group, the unity of ideas in a text, or even the unity of elements in chemistry:

  • Linguistic Cohesion: If we look at it through the lens of linguistics, a cohesive text is one that makes sense as a whole. This occurs through the artful organization of ideas so they’re all relevant and interconnected.
  • Group Cohesion: On the other hand, in the context of group work, cohesion relates to the integration, unity, and the strong bond among members that helps in achieving a common objective. To put it succinctly, irrespective of the context, cohesion is about connecting elements together to form a cooperative, rational, and harmonious unit.
  • Cohesion in Chemistry: In chemistry, cohesion refers to the intermolecular forces that hold particles of the same substance together.

Below, we’ll explore examples from multiple categories. Use the table of contents to scan for examples relevant to you!

Cohesion Examples

1. Linguistic Cohesion

Linguistic cohesion refers to the process whereby words, ideas, and concepts are woven together to generate a cohesive idea through words and text. For example, transition words help to cohere paragraphs together, showing how they relate and interact.

  • Conjunctions
    Conjunctions connect clauses or sentences, introducing a relationship between them. Essential conjunctions like ‘and’, ‘or’, ‘but’ and ‘so’ weave together distinct ideas, crafting articulate and cohesive narratives. Conjunctions help use to understand how the first and second half of the sentence go together, demonstrating whether they agree with each other, disagree, and so on.
  • Transitional phrases
    Terms like ‘however’, ‘therefore’, and ‘on the other hand’ also add cohesion to a text. These phrases assist in navigating from one idea to another, signaling changes or connections. They guide the reader through the logical structure of the text, ensuring cohesive movement. They act as conduits, connecting disparate sections of text into a single unified whole.
  • Pronouns
    Pronouns act as handy replacements for specific nouns or noun phrases, playing a vital role in achieving linguistic cohesion. They maintain the coherence in discourse by ensuring that we don’t need to repeat nouns unnecessarily. For instance, instead of repeating ‘John’ in a sentence, we can replace ‘John’ with ‘he’ in the succeeding sections of the text. This not only prevents repetition but is pivotal in creating a smooth flow of information.
  • Demonstratives
    Demonstratives, such as ‘this’ and ‘that’, bring people or objects already mentioned back into focus. They spotlight previously mentioned entities for the listener or reader, making the discourse cohesive. For example, instead of repeating a person’s name or a thing, ‘this’ or ‘that’ can effectively substitute. Such a strategy creates a logical continuity within the text, making it well-connected.
  • Synonyms
    Synonyms are different words with identical or similar meanings. They ensure diversity in expression while maintaining the thematic unity of the text. Functioning as alternatives for repeated words or phrases, they foster linguistic cohesion. For instance, using ‘joyful’ instead of repeatedly using ‘happy’ in a text helps maintain coherence.
  • Repetition of a word
    Word repetition in a text is an important cohesive device. It reinforces the key concepts or ideas being communicated. Repetition bolsters cohesion by creating a consistent thread connecting various parts of a discourse. However, the balance is key as excessive repetition can undermine clarity and interest.
  • Ellipsis
    Employing ellipsis refers to the omission of certain words, relying on the context for completion of meaning. This technique contributes to linguistic cohesion by allowing a smoother, more concise exchange. It reduces redundancy while maintaining a logical and consistent narrative. This works because the reader fills in the missing information from the previous text, linking the parts together.
  • Substitution
    Substitution is a linguistic device where one word or phrase is replaced by another to avoid repetition. This method aids in maintaining relevancy and continuity in a text. The substituted word leads reader’s comprehension, relying on previously provided context. For instance, using ‘one’ instead of repeating a noun fosters linguistic cohesion.

The Cohesive Essay

One key example of linguistic cohesion is in essay writing. A cohesive essay will contain a set of concepts that make sense to one another, are all relevant to the essay question, and build a story that successfully prosecutes your argument. An incohesive essay jumps from idea to idea without a clear connection between them, making it difficult for readers to follow what you’re saying.

2. Social Cohesion

Social cohesion is a sociological concept explaining how societies and groups come together and stay together peacefully. In the most simple term, it demonstrates how societies continue to function, rather than breaking down.

  • Shared cultural practices
    Cultural practices unite individuals belonging to the same society, binding them in a web of shared symbols, rituals, and norms. They create a sense of community, promoting mutual understanding and empathy among its members. A commonly shared custom or ritual, for example, Halloween or Thanksgiving, contributes to social harmony. These shared practices create an environment conducive for cohesion, enhancing societal integration.
  • Common language
    Language is a fundamental tool for communication within a society, playing an essential role in social cohesion. It offers a medium through which thoughts and feelings can be shared, fostering social bonds. Furthermore, a common language can reinforce societal identity, further solidifying cohesion. Societies with a common language tend to be more cohesive than linguistically diverse societies, as the language barrier can often hamper mutual understanding.
  • Shared religious beliefs
    Religion can act as a strong unifying force in a society, often promoting cohesion through shared values and belief systems. These shared beliefs offer common ground upon which connections can be formed, fostering a shared sense of identity among believers. Additionally, religious practices often encourage certain behaviors and moral systems shared by its practitioners, enhancing societal cohesion. The predictable and familiar routines of religious practices can provide stability and structure, reinforcing social cohesion.
  • National holidays
    National holidays serve to commemorate historical events or cultural traditions significant to a society. These shared celebrations engage all members of the society, fostering unity and appreciation for shared history. For instance, Independence Day in the United States or Bastille Day in France encourages national solidarity and societal cohesion. They serve as societal rituals that strengthen the collective identity of a nation, thereby promoting cohesion.
  • Common educational systems
    Tightly woven into the fabric of a society are its educational systems. Uniform educational experiences can share societal values, histories, and systems of thought, therefore promoting social unity. By fostering similar skills and attitudes, education helps equip individuals to participate effectively and harmoniously in society. In this way, the education system provides foundational knowledge and shared experiences, promoting societal cohesion.
  • Shared historical experiences
    The collective memory of historical events and experiences can serve as a strong binding force for any society. Whether these shared experiences are of triumph or tragedy, they shape a society’s collective consciousness and identity. These historical narratives can stimulate feelings of shared heritage and destiny, strengthening societal bonds. Shared history not only forms part of a society’s collective identity but also fosters cohesion by uniting individuals through their shared past.
  • Legal systems and laws
    The rule of law is a cornerstone of social cohesion. It ensures a harmonious coexistence by regulating social behavior and enforcing societal norms. Fair laws, applied universally, promote mutual respect and cooperation. In essence, a fair and efficient legal system safeguards societal interests, depicting the interdependence inherent in a cohesive society.
  • National symbols
    National symbols, such as flags and anthems, play a pivotal role in reinforcing cohesion through shared identity. They serve as a joint representation of a nation’s history, values, and dreams. Logan (1986) posits these symbols often provoke emotional responses that transcend individual differences, fostering a sense of commonality. Thus, national symbols contribute massively to societal cohesion by instilling a shared sense of national identity and pride.

Durkheim and the Cohesive Society

Sociologist Emile Durkheim came up with two ways to describe how societies stick together. These are mechanical and organic solidarity.

3. Group Cohesion Examples

When talking about group cohesion, we are referring to the multitudes of ways we ensure the personalities in a group work together. By bringing out the best in all team members, giving them clear roles, and having them all work toward the same goal, we can achieve more than the sum of our parts.

  • Clear group goals
    Clearly defined objectives are the mainstay of any successful collaborative endeavor. They provide a shared understanding of what the collective is aiming to achieve. Thus, team goals play a critical role in fostering cohesion, serving as a guiding light that aligns the efforts of all members. This unified focus on a common objective promotes cooperation and collaborative effort among group members.
  • Effective communication
    Communication is an essential ingredient for cohesion in group work. Open, honest, and effective communication fosters understanding and mitigates misunderstandings. It creates a conducive environment where members can express their ideas freely, ensuring effective collaboration. With all members clearly understanding their tasks and the overall objectives, effective communication leads to harmonious group dynamics.
  • Defined roles and responsibilities
    Clear delineation of roles and responsibilities is pivotal for successful group work. It ensures that every member knows what is expected of them, reducing chances of confusion or conflict. Furthermore, it fosters accountability and facilitates efficient completion of tasks. This clear hierarchy and distribution of work among members lead to a cohesive, functional, and efficient group.
  • Trust among members
    Trust is the bedrock of a cohesive group, facilitating open communication, mutual respect, and interdependence among members. Here, each person trusts others to fulfill their responsibilities and believes in the group’s collective competence. This trust creates a sense of security and promotes the sharing of ideas, thereby strengthening cohesion. Essentially, trust catalyzes connections and cooperation within the group, thereby fostering group cohesion.
  • Collaborative problem-solving
    In cohesive groups, problems are viewed as challenges to be overcome collectively. Solutions are conjured as a joint effort, relying on the group’s diverse skills and perspectives. When members work together to solve problems, they unify their efforts towards a common goal. This not only enhances the group’s problem-solving capacity but also fosters cohesion by promoting shared victories and learnings.
  • Regular feedback sessions
    Constructive feedback, when delivered and received correctly, aids in maintaining group cohesion. These sessions allow members to express their views and offer improvements, ensuring each member feels heard and valued. Equally, it provides a platform for performance enhancement and course correction. Regular feedback thus strengthens group cohesion by promoting transparency, mutual respect, and open dialogue.
  • Team-building activities
    Activities specifically designed to strengthen relationships among group members naturally cultivate group cohesion. Such activities enhance members’ understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses, fostering tolerance and empathy. They also create opportunities for collaboration outside the task-oriented dynamics, infusing elements of fun and relaxation. Consequently, team-building activities can greatly enhance group cohesion by fostering camaraderie and mutual appreciation.
  • Shared rewards and recognitions
    Celebrating achievements together and acknowledging individual contributions to shared success preserve group cohesion. This practice validates members’ efforts, promoting a sense of shared satisfaction and belonging. It also motivates continued cooperative engagement and investment in group success. Hence, shared rewards and recognitions underline the idea of ‘all for one and one for all’, strengthening the cohesiveness of the group.

4. Cohesion in Science

In science, cohesion refers to the attraction between particles of the same substance, causing them to stick together. This phenomenon is often observed in liquids, such as the tendency of water molecules to cling to one another due to hydrogen bonding.

  • Water molecules sticking together
    This phenomenon, known as cohesion, is attributed to hydrogen bonding among neighboring water molecules. When water molecules bond, they create a network of strong, cohesive forces. It’s this bonding and consequent cohesion that cause phenomena like water’s surface tension and capillary action. These connected water molecules illustrate scientific cohesion, with components working closely for collective behavior.
  • Gravitational pull between celestial bodies
    In a cosmic context, gravity is the cohesive force that holds celestial bodies together. The gravitational attraction ensures that planets, stars, and satellites maintain their orbits and do not drift aimlessly in space. Therefore, gravity embodies cohesion at a cosmic scale, driven by the mutual attraction of celestial bodies, thus exemplifying cohesion in the realm of astrophysics.
  • Surface tension on liquids
    Surface tension is a direct result of cohesive forces in liquids. Surface molecules experience an inward pull from neighboring molecules, minimizing surface area and creating a “film-like” surface. This phenomenon, attributable to cohesive forces, enables certain lightweight objects to float on a liquid surface without sinking. Hence, surface tension on liquids highlights the role of cohesion in everyday science.
  • Intermolecular forces in solids
    In a solid substance, intermolecular forces bind the particles together, constraining their movement and keeping them tightly packed. It’s these forces that give a solid its definite shape and volume. The continuous interaction of these forces ensures the solidity of an object. Thus, intermolecular forces in solids also demonstrate scientific cohesion.


Cohesion fosters interconnectedness, harmony, and mutual cooperation within a system, be it cells in a body, members of a team, or words in a sentence. Grasping the idea of cohesion enables us to understand the complex interplay of elements in these systems, reflecting the essence of unity in diversity.

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Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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